Ch. 40 - Father

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Getting back to your hotel, you had taken a nice hot shower and wrapped yourself in a fuzzy navy blue robe. Sitting in the small living area, you wrapped your arms around your midsection as Taehyung sat with you. You explained who Yoongi was and you told him the things you saw when you were at the cemetery. You explained how you wanted to come out here for some answers, but these weren't the answers you expected or wanted.

How could you be Y/N and a woman who died over twenty years ago? You either have to accept reincarnation is real with no proof, or accept that something had finally snapped in your mind and there was no turning back. It was incredibly hard to tell which theory to feed. You weren't sure in what type of afterlife you believed in, questioning your faith your entire life. How could a god force a life like this onto you? You struggled with faith in a 'higher power'. Reincarnation? It was a fairytale... right?

"If you are 'Kasey'. Do you think Madam Amara was right, and I am 'Sam'?" Taehyung asked, it was a logical assumption, but you worried if he was just feeding your insanity. "Yes? No? I have no fucking idea." Slumping your shoulders down you leaned back against the couch with a sigh. "Are we sure I'm just not crazy? Cuz, there's a good possibility of that, right?!" Your frustrations were coming out in your voice and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that.

Taehyung placed his hand on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "Well, to me you seem very rational while telling me all of this. Compared to the past, when these names were brought up." Taehyung pointed out as his brows shrugged upward. He had a point, you hadn't noticed. There it was, the fuel on the fire.

Your eyes mindlessly trailed away from Taehyung as you began to process today's information in an unbias way. If you were Kasey Bowsers and Susan Bowsers was her mother, did that make her your mother? You had no blood relation to the Bowsers, nor harbored any connections. Yet, when you thought of the name 'Susan Bowsers' your heart broke with sorrow for the loss of that woman from the world. It was as though a piece of you knew she was a sparkle of goodness that the earth would be worse off without her. Such a profound bond for a woman you didn't even know.

"The dad!" You said suddenly as your head turned toward Taehyung. Your eyes as wide as dear in headlights, your mouth hanging slack with surprise you hadn't realized sooner. "What?" Taehyung blurted back, unclear what turn the conversation had taken. "Kasey and Susan Bowsers. Mother and Daughter." Raising your hands you spoke with them for emphasis. "Where's the father?" Taehyung's lips parted as he let out a confused groan, processing the question as you quickly interjected back in.

"What if he's still alive?" Your arms outstretched, palms up as you stared at Taehyung as if this was such an obvious realization. His hazelnut eyes began to lose their life, regret began darken the color as he feared this had been taken too far. "Y/N..." Taehyung whined.

"No. Listen. I'm fine, I swear." You picked up quickly on his apprehension and tried to reverse the conversation back to the point. "I could try and look him up, he could still be living in this area." Sitting back up on the couch, you reached out to the coffee table and quickly snagged your travel phone. "And then what, Y/N?" Taehyung interjected, desperately trying to bring the conversation back to reality.

"Even if he is alive, he'd be extremely old." Taehyung brought his hands to his lap and softened his voice. "If we contacted him, what would we say?" His words hit you like a brick. Your fingers froze around your phone before you even turned on the screen. He was right. What would seeing a frail old man from someone else's life do? What answers could he possibly give you, if he was even coherent to do so?

It took a long few seconds, but your head soon nodded in agreement as you set the phone back down on the table and settled back in your seat. "I'm rushing this." You admitted as your lips pinched into an apologetic smile. "You know I can get worked up." Trying to dismiss the obvious as you reached out for Taehyung's warm hand.

"I should sleep on it." Squeezing his hand you gave it a soft tug as you stood up from the couch. "It's been a long day." Taehyung rose from the couch at your gesture and responded "Yeah!" With exasperation. Chuckling under your breath, you lead the two of you over to the bed. A long night's sleep could do wonders, but you had little hope it would dull this nagging feeling you had. The desire for answers.

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