Ch. 56 - Cromwell

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You weren't sure what compelled you to ask such a question, or what was compelling Taehyung to actually entertain the thought? You wanted to see Mr. Bowser's house one more time. You knew no one would likely be there given all the occupants were now gone, nor would it be for sale yet. Who sells someone's home on the day of their funeral? Pulling up to the house, Taehyung parked on the shoulder of the road. For a while, all the two of you did was sit in silence as you stared out of the passenger window at the large building.

"Do you want to go walk up to the house?" Taehyung finally asked, breaking the silence in the car. Your head raised and you met his burnt sienna eyes. "You think that would be okay?" You questioned raising a single brow. The last thing you needed was to call your parents about bail money. "What's the worst that could happen?" He questioned rhetorically. His smile widened as he tried to light up the area with those pearly whites.

You quickly thought of a bunch of things that could possibly go wrong, but she didn't want to ruin his efforts because of your overthinking. Your head nodded hesitantly. He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze. He reached for the door first and you followed behind. Stepping out of the car and onto the sidewalk.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and took in a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The cool air helps to calm your nerves. Taehyung joined you on the sidewalk and took the first few steps toward the house. You followed behind until you hit the steps of the front porch. For a minute, you just stood there taking the house in. You were committing it to memory, not that you realized. "Actually." You took in a deep breath as you turned to Taehyung. You chewed on your lip, trying to find a way to say it without coming off as rude. "Do you think you could give me a few minutes... alone?" Your eyes averted to your feet before looking back up at him from under your lashes.

"Of course." He answered with so much compassion. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to your forehead and gave you a lasting look as he pulled back. "I'll wait by the car." You nodded in response before he turned to make his way back to the car as promised. You watched him walk away before turning your attention on the porch. You stared at the aged and damp wood, it was years past its need for renovation. You took the first step slowly, reaching the top you could hear the wood under your feet creak and pop. Hopefully, you didn't fall through.

Your eyes rested on the front off, looking at the aftermarket door knocker. You stepped up to the door, leaving enough room to breathe as you stared at the aged wood. Reaching out you pressed the tips of your fingers against the door and felt the degrading wood. "Kasey." A voice called out quickly making you flinch back. Her eyes darted anxiously around the porch as she looked for the source of the voice.

Looking back to the door, she began to convince herself it was just your brain playing tricks on you. Nevertheless, it left her frozen in place. At least until she noticed the rattle of the doorknob. As if someone was trying to open the door. "Kasey." The voice whispered again, this time louder. Now you could pinpoint the faint voice, it was coming from behind the door.

You brushed your hair out of your eyes as your body language quickly shifted to anxious. You chewed the inside of your cheek and felt the urge to bite at your nails. A strange voice inside a house. Talking to things you can't see. Turning into an entirely different person for a day. You had to have been going insane. Maybe you were already there.

One final time you saw the doorknob rattle as if the person on the other side wasn't strong enough to open the door. You were breathing in pants, staring at the knob as if it was made of lava. The rational part of your brain was telling you to walk away, but the mysteries that lay dormant inside of you spoke so much louder. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you quickly reached for the doorknob. Twisting it, you swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed the door in.

You let the door drift toward the wall behind it and looked into the house. Breaking and entering wasn't a charge she wanted today. She saw no one that could have said that name. If you want any more answers you'd have to go forward. Stepping into the doorway you kept your movements calculated and cautious. You took a few more hesitant steps before the creek of the front door caused you to whip back around. With widened eyes you watched the door shut itself with a slam. "Shit!" You hissed under your breath.

"Kasey." The voice sounded quick close thing time. Your body shook with surprise as you turned in the direction it had come. Before you stood a familiar-looking man. He was much older than you but at least twenty years younger than the home's former owner. As your eyes narrowed on him she began to see the resemblance. It was-- "Mr... Bowers?" You asked, a brow-raising to the sky as you assumed you had to be wrong, but what was the right answer?

His lips spread thin as he smiled, the scruff of his beard tickling his lips. "That's right." He nodded before humming after his words. He had something he was just dying to get off his chest. "Your last name is Cromwell now, not Browsers." Your eyes darted about the hallway as you began to question if this was all some type of fever dream. "No matter your name, I know now that you... are my daughter."

Staring head, you looked into Mr. Bowser's eyes, at a complete loss of what you were to say or do in things moment. Removing a hand from his pocket Mr. Bowsers offers something to you. Raising your eyes you looked to the small purple ribbon in his hand. "This is yours." You said nothing as you reached out for the piece of ribbon. Taking it into your hand was like hitting play on a movie reel. Flashes of happiness, the memories the ribbon had been a part of. It was the first bow ever in your hair, your mother tied that purple ribbon to your hair as a sign of love. A lifetime of memories rushing to you in the blink of an eye. Your eyes shut as you processed the strong feeling you had in your gut, a new voice begging to be let out.

"I really am Kasey, aren't I?" Your tired voice asked as you looked up at Mr. Bowers with tear-stained eyes. Mr. Bowers took a few careful steps forward. Leaning out he pressed his palm to your cheek and thumbed away the stream of tears. "You are." He said softly. "But, you are also Y/N. You don't have to lose who you are." It was fatherly love that was shared at the moment. He understood everything.

"I told them I wouldn't go till I got to see you again..." Lowering his hand he raised his head and stood tall. "I've regretted how we left things for over twenty years, I couldn't leave without telling you that. I'm so incredibly sorry..." Your head lowered as you couldn't halt the tears.

"I can't remember my entire life as Kasey, but through you, I can remember the love her parents had for her. I know how much you cared for her because every time I'm around you I can feel this warmth in my chest. I think Kasey wants me to tell you that. She is proud of you." Wringing your hands together you took a few deep breaths before raising your eyes back up to Mr. Bowers. "She loves you so much." You noticed the tears in his eyes and felt a bit better that you weren't the only one that was a crying mess.

"Thank you... Thank you." Mr. Bowers repeated over and over again. Reaching out you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. He towered you and engulfed your body easily, his hug as warm as a living teddy bear. The two of you held each other, sobbing softly.

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