Ch. 27 - A.M

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The sun came through the blinds of the bedroom at the worst angle. How is it the sun always knew how to violate your eyes so early in the morning? A deep groan rumbled your chest as you turned toward the bed's center and tried to escape the blinding rays. You felt the warmth his body radiated first before your sleepy eyes fluttered back open to see his sleepy face starting to stir awake from your movements.

"Goodmorning." His deep voice was scratchy. Like running your hand against a rusted classic car, somehow it had charm. Unsure if his voice was strain because he was thirsty or because of your late-night activities that had the two of you up much later than usual. Adorable nonetheless.

"Morning..." You groaned out, a rather unflattering sound but your comfort was not to be disturbed this early in the morning. Reaching for the blankets you pulled them up higher, both seeking more warmth as well as trying to keep your still bare skin from the open view.

You felt his hand slither through the maze of blankets and claim the side of your hip, his fingers digging into your skin ever so softly and giving you a firm tug. He was trying to pull you closer. His fingers spasmed softly soon after, tickling at your sides in an attempt to get a smile to rise on your lips like the morning sun. Your body jerked, squealing at the sudden shock to your system this early in the A.M. "Sam! Stop!"

Taehyung stopped alright, dead in his tracks. It took a moment for him to process the name you just called him, a name that was coming up a little too often now. Meanwhile, you hadn't even realized what you had said. Propping himself up on one of his arms he reached out for your face with a welcoming hand. His large hand took half of your face, gliding his thumb across the eyebags you were positive were there. Despite how gruesome you likely looked, it was only admiration that shined in those dark chocolate eyes. Or so you thought.

"How do you feel?" His concern knew no bounds. The two of you had just shared one hell of a memorable night and he was worried there was something wrong? What did you need to do to ease his mind?

"Hungry." A grumble left your lips as you let your lids fall shut. How brightly the room seemed, it felt like you were hungover. You hadn't had anything to drink last night. You didn't need liquor to have the kind of fun that you did. You rather make sure you remembered last night, rather than run the risk of forgetting such a wondrous memory.

"Despite the fact that you're not alive?" Taehyung laughed softly under his breath. His voice which normally sounded like a baritone dream was distorted. It was as if someone had thrown his speech into a blender the way it stretched against your ears and made your blood run cold.

Your body jerked to life as you searched frantically through the blankets and reject any form of touch. You shoved Taehyung's hand from your body and shimmed yourself back a few inches. Your eyes bulging in your skull, threatening to pop from your skull in shock. What kind of demonic hellish voice just asked that? It couldn't have been Taehyung.

"Kasey!!" Taehyung yelled toward you, causing you to flinch at his voice as it boomed back in its normal tone. It should have been a welcomed comfort to hear his voice return to normal, though there was one issue.

"Who the fuck is Kasey?!" Pushing yourself up from the bed you hugged the sheets to your chest with one arm. Quickly your eyes began to dart around the room, your vision blurred and rushed as you tried to focus on anything, just one thing. The bed rocked as Taehyung began to inch toward forward, trying to crawl closer to you. Your eyes darted back to his face, wide eyes filled with fear gazed upon a familiar face finally. "Sam!!" Much to Taehyung's surprise, you lunged forward and quickly wrapped your arms around his body in a bone-crushing hug. "I thought I'd never see you again!" Your voice cracked with intensity as you latched onto the man before you, holding him so desperately tight you worried he'd disappear right in your arms.

Pulling yourself back you slapped your hands against his arms as you locked your gaze with him. "He's mad." Your voice sounded desperate and your eyes nervously took in your surroundings, searching the empty space around you for some unknown figure. "I tricked him, and he's pissed." Reaching up you took his face into your hands and sunk deeper into the bed, defeat weighing you down like a boulder. "He's going to find me!!"

"It's going to be okay." Taehyung soothing voice tried to calm you down from your fright. Trying to talk to you from the metaphorical ledge you were so close to falling from. "Who are you talking about, Y/N? Tell me what's wrong." He had the right idea. Clearly, you were out of your mind. Trying to force you back too quickly into reality could cause a violent episode, perhaps his medical degree came in handy beyond the hospital.

It was the sound of your name that ultimately brought reality crashing down on you. Your hands slipping from Taehyung's face as you slumped deep into the bed as if life was being slowly drained from your body. The clarity of what you had just done coming to the front of your mind. For the second time, you had called Taehyung by another man's name in a fit of madness. A name you couldn't even put to a proper face. One that when you tried to recall, you simply saw a blur. What if you had hurt him?

"I'm so sorry." Grabbing at the blankets you tried to shield yourself for any reason but the cold. You wanted to hide in your shame. To bury yourself in the deepest hole you could find and never return. It was moments like these that you questioned if you were beyond saving. "You don't deserve this." Hiding away yourself in the blankets you turned into a mound of fabric. Taehyung was swift to respond as he leaned closer to you, seeking to bring you the comfort you so desperately needed.

There was nothing that could be said at that moment that hadn't already been said a thousand times. Nothing of which would alter how guilty you felt for all you had put him through. Actions could heal much better than words, Taehyung knew this. Seating himself in front of you he wrapped his arms around the mass of blankets you wrapped yourself in and pulled you close. Letting you keep your cacoon he encased you in his embrace. Not trying to force you from your protective shell till you were ready, while still showing his compassion and desire to be there for you, always.

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