Ch. 6 - Evermore

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Christopher Horn, that was the name of the flavor of crazy you were obsessing over this week. It felt like that name was burned into the side of your brain. You were infected with bizarre dreams of situations that lacked reason. Did you meet a guy named 'Christopher' in the past? Maybe you saw the name on a nurse's name tag and you've just had to remember the right face.

They say the faces you see in your dreams - even if you don't recognize them - is someone you've met at some time in your life or seen on a screen. The human psyche is incapable of imagining an obscene human face. If that were true, you'd seen this man before. He had a bushy head of brownish-red hair and a raggedy beard to match. He had an aged smile but genuine never the less. You remembered a deep hearty laugh that lacked reservation. He always smelt like burnt sugar cookies with no explanation...

He felt real, but why couldn't you remember how you knew him? There was no conceivable reason you could remember all of that from a short dream. How would you ever knew what he smelt like in a dream?

"Something wrong?" He kept his tone calm, though strain lingered in the back of his throat. An audible sound of worry. He was trying to act casual as he set down a tiny clear plastic cup on your nightstand. Inside a few oddly colored pills rattled about before settling at the bottom.

He had to play the part of just an average nurse - in his cute faded blue scrubs - giving one of the patients their evening medication. You hated how he had to put on an act, how he had to lie and deserve just to be near you. He was playing an endless game of pretending, and he was doing it all for you.

"Do we know anyone named Christopher?" Dropping the volume of your voice you leaned forward allowing your soft voice to reach him easier. He kept his gaze scattered, being sure not to pay too much attention to you directly. You never knew when the walls had 'eyes'.

"I don't think so...?" His eyes rolled back in thought as he tried to place the name to a face. "Maybe someone we went to school with?" His shoulders bounced with a quick shrug as his lips pulled to one side in an apologetic half-smile.

"Christopher Horn." Offering up the last name you gripped the sheets beside yourself and leaned in a few more inches. "He had red hair and a bushy beard?" You hoped offering up more details would jog his memory. Then again, you couldn't rely on the chick confined to an asylum to remember things properly.

Taehyung gestured to the cup of meds as if on an automatic timer. With his back to the door, he stood still, pretended to wait for you to take your pills. "Probably not high school then." His voice coming out in a low grumble in his deep thoughts. His hand raised to scratch the back of his head, causing his brunette locks to ruffle about. "I'm pretty sure we've never had an employee like that either." Slapping his hand back down against his thigh in defeat. "Why, who is he?"

"Ah, no one." Waving your palm through the air you tried to dismiss the subject. "I just couldn't remember." Reaching for the plastic cup of pills and your nearby glass of water you yanked your head back as you tossed the pills inside and washed them down quickly with a drink. The water was harsh, a lingering metallic taste lingered in its liquids. It was as if you clicked the pipes the water came through. Gross.

Deciding you didn't need to sound anymore crazy than what you were, you chose to let the subject of 'Christopher Horn' die out. It was easy to play it off as nothing than to try and explain it was just someone from a dream you were hung up on. You swallowed down the pills in punctuation to the conversation. Slipping your plastic cup back on the table you turned your attention back to Taehyung.

Mockingly, you opened your mouth wide. Your jaw unhinged slowly as you looked at Taehyung who stood a few feet back. Your tongue pushed past your teeth, hanging out of your mouth. In jest, you flashed Taehyung a quick wink of your left eye before ever so slowly curling your tongue as you brought it up to the top of your mouth to show him the underside of your tongue. You noticed how his eyes glazed over staring at your mouth, his mind wandering to more lustful thoughts. Chomping your mouth closed your chest rumbled with a deep chuckle.

You saw his burnt amber eyes roll back as his jaw clenched. The slow sucking of air behind closed teeth as he took in a deep breath. It was mandatory for nurses to check and make sure their patients actually swallowed their pills. Most of the time, Taehyung didn't bother to check. If you didn't feel like taking your medication that day, he didn't force you. You both knew the drugs would never cure you. He allowed you your free will as long as there wasn't another nurse or doctor in the room. You two were forced to play the part of strangers around anyone else but Jimin.

Leaning forward with a sense of quickness that always tossed you off your guard, he grabbed your face. His fingers dug into your cheeks as he caused your lips to puff out in a pout. He leaned down to your level. With unruly patients, it was common to hold their faces so they wouldn't move while you checked your mouth to make sure they had actually taken their medication. That's all anyone would see should they walk past your open bedroom door.

"I've got something else you could swallow." His deep branching voice hissed behind nearly muted lips as his gaze burned into yours. Earthy soil eyes that swirled with allure staring down at you never failed to speed up the beats in your chest.

Needless to say, intimacy was hard to achieve in a hospital. There was always some amount of risk you've to get caught and cost Taehyung his job. You lessened the frequency of such in counters but they still happen. You got excitement from taunting him from time to time with lustful thoughts. To hide your love was a shame, but to silently flirt with one another was a charm. Sometimes, it was the only exciting thing you'd have to look forward too.

"Maybe later you could enlighten me as to what that is, Doctor." Wiggling your head from his hold, you gently slapped his hand back and away from your face before you two got caught. The smile spreading across your cheeks was unending despite your gesture of distance. You couldn't control the faint pink color that surfaced on your cheeks either. Taehyung wasn't always so brash, not that you were complaining when he was.

"I'll see what I can do." Leaning over he grabbed the empty medication cup and pulled it to himself, a silent signal of his impending departure. "Wait for me, baby?" He turned to the side, taking a step closure to the door but refused to leave until you answered.

It was bizarre that he would ask that. It wasn't the first time he used the phase. The first time was a romantic phase, after the third time your left to question if he is worried you won't wait for him any longer. Why would you possibly not? It was unsettling to wonder if this was what was going through his head. If anyone should be asking for someone to wait, it would be you on your knees begging Taehyung to not leave you. Even if you suggested it. You know if he actually did leave you, it would shatter you.

"Forever..." You whispered as your smile shifted from pompous and cocky to sincere and sweet. No matter his reason for asking, you only wanted to focus on the sentiment of it. Despite the mystery of it all, the answer would always be the same. Genuinely, you loved this man. Every piece of you was laced with him. You couldn't quite understand why 'forever' only seemed realistic if it was with him.

You'd walk through hellfire to be by his side. You'd suffer a thousand years of torment just to hold him. He was in every happy thought and every endearing emotion. If perfect didn't exist, you'd be damned. It was as if he was made for you, made to complete you.

This situation you were in. It had to be temporary. One day you'd become the woman he deserved. If you had to suffer from the declaration of insanity to get there, you'd do it. He deserved a woman who could give back everything he had provided. All the love, comfort, understanding, and compassion. It was a fact. He deserved better. He made you want to try every day to be better a better person because he deserved nothing less.

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