Ch. 70 - Deal

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With Kasey's back to the galactic rift, she had ushered the recently deceased through it, but something compelled her to turn around. Like a magnetic force, she was powerless to its gravitational pull. It was her own mistake to waste time. Was she surprised to see death standing in the distance, a scowl across his lips and a piercing cold glare of his hallow dark eyes? Fear tickled at Kasey's senses but she remained grounded, as if unable to look away from his entrancing look that invoked such deep emotions in her that she couldn't hope to explain. 

"This was not our deal, Kasey." His voice growled, the sound echoing around her as if it spoke from the heavens. Kasey controlled the shake of her fingers by balling them into fists as she gathered forth her courage, her fight. "I know!" She yelled over the rolling thundering and downpour of perpetual rain. "But, I can't do this anymore." Her voice involuntarily broke. Kasey shook her head back and forth, water cascading off the tips of her hair and falling around her. The ache of an endless void racked her, and there was no medication or cure for it. "I need him..." Kasey lowered her eyes and whispered, hoping the rain would muffle her voice from Death. 

Foolish to assume a man whose voices boomed from the sky was incapable of hearing a whisper in the rain. This colorless grey hair was flawlessly dry as the rain passed straight through him with ease. It was a skill that Kasey had also learned, but it grew harder to control those abilities the more emotional she became, she couldn't keep her focus. 

"You do not want to break a deal with death." Yoongi warned, his voice following out and laying lower to the earth with a rumble. He was telling her what she didn't want to do, how was he to even know what she truly wanted? Was he capable of those types of emotions? Did he not understand the raw power of loving someone brought. 

"Can you even feel love?!" Kasey blurted in a loud outburst as she raised her eyes to meet death. Her eyes narrowed as Kasey fought back the tears threatening to spill onto her cheeks, even if they could be hidden in the fallen rain. She didn't want to show Death she was crumbling like aged stone. 

Instantaneously death stood before Kasey, moving faster than the speed of light. He planted himself right in front of Kasey, his height towering by her side. His dark charcoal eyes staring down at her, swirls of grey sorrows colored pools of black. Did the truly damaged souls live inside him? Was there evil just behind those eyes? Narrowing his gaze, he looked more thoughtful, as if trying to recall a time in his life when he had felt love. The thought was fleeting.

"Not anymore." He whispered this time as he reflected those cold dead eyes back to her. Clenching her jaw as she knew she couldn't continue to drag this conversation along, she needed to step into the rift. Shifting to the side she slipped one foot back, Yoongi's eyes darted to the ground at the sound of loose gravel scraping under your boot. 

"You will suffer if you do this." Death warned. "I'll make you feel a fraction of what it's like to be aware of an infinite life." Reaching out he wrapped his hand around her right wrist and squeezed it. "You belong here now." Knowing she had no more time to waste, Kasey tried to thrust herself backward as quickly as she could, his hand on her or not. The tip of her boot entered the rift and she started to feel that gravitational pull. Death's grip was strong as he yanked Kasey back to him, snapping her head around to meet his eyes. "You belong with me!" 

Kasey wasn't sure what possessed her captured hand to raise, or what allowed death to accept her movements. Reaching out, she placed her palm against his cheek. Kasey could feel his sickly pale skin was cold to the touch, the chill feeling like a burn against her hand just as her sudden warmth stung him. In that split second of time, everything just stopped. Death's grip on her began to loosen as if he was falling into a trance. His fingers flexed outward as he released her soon after. That dead look mirrored in his eyes as he remained frozen. He watched as Kasey was drawn backward, her hand lowering at her side. Neither said a word, only unknowing looks exchanged that neither could comprehend. The rift behind her began to consume her inch by inch. 

"This is going to be painful..." Death whispered with an exhale, the last words he spoke to her before the light consumed her frame. She heard him, she heard every word. It wasn't pain she felt then however, it was a comforting sense of warmth that she had been missing for years. A glow that surrounded her and blanketed her in contentment. A hopeful desire for her next adventure. She didn't feel pain at that moment, she had found peace. 

Those were Kasey's last memories of her own consciousness. Things were starting to piece together in the grand scale of everything. Kasey had become self-aware and even manifested herself into the living body of her reincarnation, you. All that was left now was to pick up the pieces of your shattered life, finding out exactly to what extent death took to make Kasey suffer by punishing her new body. Despite what Kasey knew being limited, she didn't need much more information to understand the life she had been living was not a fruitful one. 

Kasey couldn't help but wonder if he had twisted and tormented your life in an attempt to make you suffer for her betrayal. What became of Samuel? Did he still exist in the human world or did Death reap him in penance for Kasey's actions? There were no questions Dr. Brown could answer, knowing she was being vague and absent as to not implant false memories into a possibly mentally ill patient. Kasey could understand that and ended their conversation by claiming to be tired. Dr. Brown agreed to end the session given they had already gone well over their scheduled timed talking. Kasey could see concern beaming from behind blue-hued eyes. Dr. Brown knew the truth, whether she believed it or not was yet to be seen but Kasey didn't keep her hopes high. It was incredibly risky to tell her any of this, but there lay the benefit of being mentally unstable in this situation. Just because they called you sick, didn't mean you were. 

"I'm fine." Kasey insured, "I remember where my room is." She added with an attempt at a reassuring smile. Dr. Brown accepted this answer and said her goodbyes for the evening with plans to talk the next day, not that Kasey knew what day it was. She didn't even know in what year she was in. 

Timeless Snow ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin