Ch. 77 - When We Feel

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The sudden sound caused Kasey to remove her hand and look behind herself, expecting to find someone who had interrupted her private moment. She found no one, furrowing her brow Kasey narrowed her eyes. It was the smell in the air that she caught first, that lingering scent of precipitation. Kasey took in a sudden breath and turned away from the window. Wind, where was it coming from? She followed the chill in the air and the scent of the wind closer and closer to a large metal door. With each cautious step forward, Kasey could see the door wiggle. It wasn't latched or locked? 

With a swift look behind herself, she reached for the bar-shaped handle and started to push it open. Backing up, she covered her blind spot as she entered the door until she could slip herself behind the metal plant and quickly switch directions to see where she had ended up. Quick eyes looked for signs of life but found only an employee's staircase void of just that. Bad idea, Kasey knew that, but that breeze. There shouldn't be any access points outside for patients, but staff? Looking up, Kasey tried to peer up to how fair the staircase went up. 

'Click. Click. Click. Click.'

She could hear the metallic click from something above. The stairs stretched on for multiple flights, Kasey couldn't count how many floors were above or below her. Deciding she had nothing to lose at this point, Kasey grabbed the handrail and began to jog up the steps. Her gripped socks gave her enough traction on the tile staircase to make it to the very top. Once the stairs came to an end, Kasey hunched over as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn't remember the last time she had run, or how long since this body ran either.  At that moment, she missed the speed she once had as a reaper. Stairs were the devil, they had to be. Especially after jogging up a few flights of them. 

Catching her breath she straightened back out with a stretch, hearing her bones pop. She peered down a short corridor. At the end on the right was a door blowing in the wind, the breeze bursting threw the cracks and blowing back her hair. Was this roof access? Wide-eyed with a rapid pulse, Kasey stepped forward. The smell of rain drew her closer like a magnet. She just wanted to see it, the clouds. Smell it, the rain. That's all she wanted, not becoming aware of the obvious trap laid before her.

Bursting through the door Kasey thrust herself into the open air. Her lungs filled with a large breath as she took in the fresh breeze. It had felt like she was breathing through a bag up to this point and she could finally inhale deep. The cold air shocked her lungs. Her eyes cast to the sky as she stared at the swirling storm clouds above her. They waved and shifted in such beautiful ways. When had she stopped looking up to the sky? Everything was grounded, drilling her deeper into demise, but it was the sky she belonged to. 

"You've come a long way." A voice called out as the roof access door slammed shut behind her. Kasey jumped, looking back at the sealed door before whipping forward and finding the source of the voice. Was she surprised? Not exactly. The open doors, was that him? Kasey narrowed her eyes as she questioned his motives. "I don't intend to make the choice hard for you," Yoongi said, letting his eyes drift along the pavement roof they stood on. Kasey could feel the cold against her feet through her hospital socks but ignored the sting. In the distance, she heard the bubble of thunder. 

What did that mean? Deciding to process his words, Kasey took a look around. Why did he want to lead her here? The choice she needed to make... "You want me to jump?" Kasey reiterated as it clicked in her mind. Her eyes widened as she turned to look at Death. "I want you to return to your duties." He corrected with a deep hiss that linger lower than the rumbling weather. 

"We've established it wasn't about that a long time ago." That mixture of emotions began to boil in her gut. Her eyes locked across the pavement sea toward Death, the billowing grey clouds behind his frame. It was as if the storm was growing stronger from his presence. "Believe what you wish." 

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