2- Recluse

490 36 19

Elira sat down on her chair as she dusted the chalk off her fingers, reaching for one of the research papers scattered on her desk.

Like father, like daughter

She leaned back as she flipped through the pages of a thesis, her eyebrows crinkling as she read through the steps, chewing the end of her ballpoint pen as she lost herself in the equations.

A sharp rap on her door startled her out of her stupor, "Come in!"

Her sister poked her head inside before walking in, "Shouldn't you be in one of the fitting rooms of the atelier?"

"And shouldn't you be in your chair beside papa?" Elira said with a raised eyebrow as Kiana sat down in front of her, "Do you even know what time it is in this windowless room you call a study?"

"I don't get first pick. Besides, I'm happy with walls filled with chalkboards and shelves of books instead of glass windows," She turned and glanced at the clock hanging on her right wall, "How the fuck is it already 6:30-" 

"Language..." Kiana hummed as she stood up, "well, I came to collect you for dinner. Dust off your pants and come along-" 

Elira dusted off the white powder and wiped her face before walking out, falling in step beside her sister.

"Are you looking forward to it?"


"This is your first time, isn't it?" Kiana asked as they stood in front of the dining room doors, "A diplomatic visit? An actual event without any of us?"


"You grew up fast huh?" Kiana said as she patted the younger girl's back, a tender smile on her face

Elira opened her mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by the opening doors.

"Her royal highnesses Princess Kiana and Princess Elira, your majesty and your royal highness," The king's secretary announced before taking his leave

"Eat up fast. I understand your mother here wants to take you to the treasury-" Oran said as he pointed at a chair

"Now?" Elira said as she sat down

"Honey you're leaving in a couple of days. Everything that takes weeks has been mushed into a few days. We need to make the most out of our days!" Narina said incredulously


Elira fell on her bed, the soft mattress engulfing her form as she looked at her ceiling thoughtfully.

It had taken quite a while to narrow down all the crowns and brooches she would be wearing. A task she found quite taxing.

Thinking about the upcoming trip filled her with excitement and nervousness. She barely knew the language and practising the etiquette required every day for three hours proved how particular the Koreans were. The thought of messing up one of her first proper duties filled her with dread.

She couldn't fail. She wouldn't let herself fail.

She wasn't allowed to fail.

She rubbed her eyes before getting up from the bed, making her way to her desk in one corner of her room. She switched on the study lamp and pulled out one of the numerous folders that had been assigned to her. Sure most of the details were just stuff she had to brush up on, but things like the family tree and the hierarchy needed special attention. She flipped the pages until it landed at the core Royals. The king, queen and their two sons.

King Min Ye-jun, Queen Kang Aera, Princes Min Yong-saeng and Prince Min Yoon-gi

Ye-jun was known to be fair, just and kind, working towards the benefit and prosperity of the nation

Aera, a generous and benevolent soul, always embarking on drives and efforts to alleviate the nations less fortunate.

Yong-saeng was outgoing, excelling in every field, charming the country left and right.

The face and future of the nation

 And Yoongi.

More than half the columns listing out the royals' traits were blank under this boy's name.

The recluse of the family.

One thing was certain though.

The prince's love for music, deduced from his frequent sightings at concerts, from Kpop to classical music. Not to mention the footage of him playing the piano at various state galas.

Moments like that were when he truly shined and captivated the nation.

Elira read through the pages of notes, going through the scribbles she had made on the margins, only stopping when her brain stopped processing the words before her.

She slowly got up and turned off her lamp, walking in a daze to her moonlit bed.


Yoongi walked into the library, smiling when he spotted Namjoon.

"Your highness," Namjoon said as he quickly bowed, before handing his folder to Yoongi

"Everything I could find on the kingdom of Avar and the princess,"

"This is one thick file and you know how much I don't like to read things like this-"

"Well, you know everything about the kingdom already, so I've bookmarked the parts about the royal family and princess just to make things a little bit easier," Namjoon said as he pushed his glasses up.

"And this is why I know I can count on you!" Yoongi said as he landed his free hand on Namjoon's back, making his glasses slide down his nose.

"When is she arriving?"

"The day after tomorrow. Father insisted I pick her up from the airport too-" Yoongi said as he walked towards one of the tables

"Oh? That's weird. They don't really do that. Standard procedure is-"

"-Welcoming guests at the entrance of the palace... I don't know what is his reasoning for this either." 

"Well, I'm sure they're valid reasons," Namjoon said as he pulled a chair for Yoongi

"I hope so," Yoongi said with a nervous smile.








This book won't have a schedule as such. I'll update it as and when I write it because ✨uni sucks out my time and energy✨

*But I see good times cominggg-*

Hope you enjoy it!

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