20- Her Majesty

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"Hmm?" Elira hummed as she looked down at her feet to make sure she was doing this right, biting her lower lip as she concentrated

"I didn't really get to ask you this properly," Yoongi continued, his voice barely a whisper, causing Elira to look at his face, "How have you been doing? Are you- are you alright?"

Sadness washed over Elira's face as she gave him a tired smile, "I think so... I'm still learning and still adjusting to everything now. But I guess things could've been worse,"

"I know it's not much... But you have me, for the most part... Just know, you can talk to me anytime, about anything..."

"Thank you. That means a lot," Elira's lips curved in a mischievous smile, "My fine sir~"

Yoongi's heart fluttered as he felt his cheeks heat up, hearing her say that out loud

"You're welcome, my lady~" he grinned, causing Elira to chuckle.


Elira and Yoongi walked into the dining room, talking about the paintings and the rugs that lined the walls and floors on their walk here. They stopped mid-sentence when they felt all eyes on them, silence descending in the dining room. They looked at the floor as they walked up to their respective seats, Yoongi's next to his brother and Elira's at the head of the table, Everyone giving them curious looks as Narina gave them a secretive smile.

Elira and Ye Jun made conversation, discussing the new foreign policies of countries around them and their positions on certain issues, as the rest of the table observed them in quiet silence, Narina and Yong Saeng occasionally chipping in with comments.

"I must say, Elira, I think a lot of us underestimated you. But you're holding up way better than we thought. Exceptionally better," Ye Jun said as he tilted his glass of champagne towards her before taking a sip

Yoongi noticed how Elira flinched before putting on a smile and raising her own glass, "I guess we found out, who was naïve after all," she answered, making Ye Jun chuckle, the rest of the table joining in.

Dinner was consumed, a showstopping cheesecake topping it off for the night. Elira stood up, prompting everyone to stand. She walked up to Ye Jun and extended her hand

"Thank you for accepting the invitation and for gracing us with your presence. I hope that even after tomorrow, Korea still keeps its place as Avar's prime ally and friend," she smiled as she shook his hand.

"There's no doubt about it, your Majesty," Ye Jun answered. "We'll be watching you take your rightful place. And your father would be proud of you, seeing how well you're doing. I foresee a future so bright for Avar, people will be blinded,"

Elira nodded before turning to Aera who took her hands, "All the best for the coronation, my dear. It's been hard, but you've been holding up with grace." She said as she pulled Elira for a hug. 

The family left the dining room, leaving Elira alone with her mother. She turned to the older woman, who smiled, unmoving.

Elira walked up to her, her steps hesitant as she stood in front of Narina.

"Do you think I can do it?" She asked, looking at Narina, her eyes filled with doubt and nervousness, flitting from side to side.

Narina beckoned Elira with open arms, wrapping them around her soon after, gently patting her head, "I know you can, darling. And know that I'm here, okay? I'm here for you, whenever you want me. Whenever you need me," she pulled back and looked at her daughter, "you've been doing amazing so far, without any help. If one didn't know better, they'd say it was in your blood. Both of us know that you never wanted any of this and we'd rather-" she took a shaky breath, "we'd rather have your dad and sister here with us right now. But, life is what it is... We can't change the past, but can only look towards what might come..."

Elira leaned into her mother's hand as Narina cupped her cheek, "But I'm already so tired. I cannot even bring myself to enter the study where papa worked even though I've cleaned up the place. It echoes of him every single day," she whispered, a lone tear escaping her eyes

"And we walk the corridors of this palace, every single day, knowing that even though you remember meeting them around the corners so many times, it'll never happen again..." Narina added sadly as Elira choked out a sob.

Narina gently sat them down on the floor and pulled her daughter closer, "I know the burden on your shoulders is heavy and I would do anything to take it away... But even if I can't do that, I'll try to lighten it for you. I'll stay by your side, for as long as it takes," she said as she wiped the latter's tear-stained cheeks, gently lifting up her face with her hand, "Your father would be proud of you," she whispered, causing Elira to break down into a mess, crying into her mother's shoulder as she held onto her like she would disappear any moment, "he would be so so proud..."


Narina and Elira walked up to the heavy wooden doors of the Royal study, each placing a hand on either door, their fingers intertwined between them. They looked at each other, Narina nodding at Elira, before opening the door.

The windows letting in the moonlight, bookshelves and the blackboards ready to be used, the desk neatly arranged. Narina walked up to the switchboard to turn on the lights, only to be stopped by Elira, who slowly walked up to the moonlit desk.

"You can't keep sitting in the gazebo forever. As queen, you need to sit where rulers before you have sat for decades. Tomorrow, that'll be the throne. But today, it'll be something much more powerful," Narina's words echoed in Elira's mind as she took each step.

She stood next to the ornate chair, running her fingers on its armrest.
History was written here. Wars were won and lost, treaties signed and laws sanctioned.

She remembered all the times she had sat on this very chair, her figure leaning back as her feet rested on the table for the brief moments her father left her alone in here, only for him to chuckle when he saw the state of her daughter.

Now the context had changed so drastically that she could laugh.

Pulling it back, she stood in between, before slowly sitting down.
Narina smiled in front of her as she bowed her head and curtsied,

"Your majesty..."

Her whisper echoed in Elira's mind.












Life is chaotic as heck isn't it?

There's beauty in that chaos, but also so much pain and so much exhaustion.

Remember to take breaks from all that and sometimes focus on just you. It's not being selfish and it's not being inconsiderate. sometimes all you need to do is sit with yourself for a while and get to know yourself a little better...

Drink lots of water and take breaks, everyone! you are all worth the effort<3

Vote and comment, it really helps me!

Thank you for reading! what's a writer without their readers?

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