33- Rumours

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Elira sat in the courtroom. Unlike the giant sprawling halls of the past, the present Avarian courtroom was a glorified conference room with heavy wooden doors and carpeted floors, trying to warm the otherwise ancient stone room with its large windows letting in the cool July air.

The air in the courtroom was stuffy, to say the least, everyone bristled by the tightening of security and the increase in interrogations. Elira sipped on her cup of coffee as she silently read through the agriculture report presented before her.

She took a deep breath as she tapped her pen on the desk, "Since we have had a bountiful harvest, I think we can scale down some of the imports. Especially that of wheat."

The minister of agriculture agreed while the rest of the cabinet nodded their heads.

A knock sounded and all heads turned towards the door. General Darian walked in, bowing to everyone before walking up to Elira. He leaned down and whispered
"Your majesty. We have interrogated everyone and this seems to lead-"
Elira held her hand up to silence him, "This meeting is adjourned, everyone. If anyone's got anything to discuss, please make an appointment and do so personally-"

"Actually your highness, we have some concerns," the minister of foreign relations said, before hesitantly looking around for support.

"There- ahem... there has been quite a lot of chatter in Korean and Avarian media about your Majesty's Uhm, relationship with the prince of Korea,"

"Yes, I am well aware of that. So, what exactly is of concern here?"

"There seems to be a sort of uneasiness, globally, when it comes to this relationship. There is chatter about favouritism and possible changes to trade agreements to favour Korea more-"

"The ministry of trade has been receiving inquires from insiders about the same all morning, your Majesty. The world seems to be, unsettled about two powerful countries, possibly coming together in such a way-"

"Many are speculating that Prince Yoongi was made to stay just so he could further the camaraderie the both of you built on your Korean visit to something more-" The minister of media relations said quietly, everyone else murmuring in agreement

Elira raised her hand to silence the room

"This is absurd. So, what you're telling me is, one, everyone's afraid, and two, everyone thinks this is some kind of conspiracy?" Elira chuckled at that last word, "Conspiracy to further political and diplomatic relations, WELL THE WORLD HAS GOT NOTHING MORE TO WRITE ABOUT HUH? PFFFT," she covered her mouth as she turned to the side and tried to stop herself from giggling. Composing herself, she turned back to them with a straight face.

"Well, your majesty. This is not completely unfounded. Many of the leaders think you were not ready, the weight of the crown falling on your shoulders when you weren't even preparing for it. And the timing of this entire visit... You were at your most vulnerable state! Props to that Min boy-"

"Minister I will have you talking about Prince Yoongi with respect, or I'll have your tongue," Elira hissed seethingly, her glare silencing the man in question in an instant.

She stood up, both her palms flat on the table, knuckles white as she cleared her throat and began

"To clarify any of these claims and concerns and to shut down whatever you're insinuating with your words, Naivete is not something I was told to possess even as a child. I think it is mighty convenient for everyone in this room to think of me as mature, just before the crown fell on my head, cause now suddenly, I'm a blithering child who doesn't know her place or her country or her power. May I remind you of the fact that I was still second in line to the throne and the fact that both me and my sister were raised in pretty much the same way. I can assure you that Papa, God bless his soul, taught us both what we needed to rule a country. And from what I can see, Avar has been doing fine. More than fine. In fact, we didn't even dip after the death of a MONARCH," she said, enunciating every syllable carefully

Elira sat back down, taking a delicate sip of her, pressing her lips together when she realised it had gone cold "if that doesn't speak for itself, I don't know what does. And please, do not bring matters of my personal life into court meetings. I understand as a royal, my life isn't really my own, but this is a new low. We haven't even confirmed anything and yet, you all seem mighty comfortable basing your opinions on rumours. Please be careful of what you read and consume," she paused as she pointedly looked at everyone in the room.

"In light of all of the above, if my own court still thinks I am naive and incapable, the world will soon catch wind of that and push forward with that agenda. And I don't see that having a very pleasant ending, do you? A country needs its stability and faith in its rulers, so please, have faith in your Queen," she said with a tiny smile as the heads in the room nodded slowly

"Is there anything else?" Elira asked sweetly, the courtroom looking at each other dumbfounded.

"Good. This meeting is adjourned," Elira said with a slight nod as she stood up and gestured General Darian to follow her into the garden.

She sat down as General Darian started, "Ma'am, about the interrogations-"

"Can you give me a second general, I need to clear my head for a bit," Elira said as she called one of the staff for a cup of tea

She looked at the Courtroom, slowly emptying as the ministers chatted amongst themselves, bowing to her when they caught her eye.

"Do you think they're going to start scheming something now? A coup?"

"Your Majesty?"

"It wouldn't be the first time the cabinet has tried to overthrow the monarchy" Elira whispered ominously, "It would also explain the attempt the other day. We did draw the conclusion that it was an inside job after all..." Elira's voice trailed off

"Dealing with death, running a country, an assassination attempt, now a scandal and a possible coup," Elira chuckled as she leaned back in her chair, looking at the clouds in the sky, Eyes glistening as she sighed

"No one said this would be easy, your majesty..." The general said comfortingly

"Nobody said it would be this hard either..." Elira managed before she exhaled, thanking the staff for the tea.

Taking a sip she gestured for General Darian to go on, to which he just shook his head

"I was going to give you the preliminary report but it was going to be the same old, no leads, situation. Give me a week, your highness. I'll find the loophole. Don't think about this. ill handle this side. I'll bring the perpetrators to justice,"

Elira looked at him thankfully, sniffing into her handkerchief, "Do what you must."

Darian bowed, "I will also keep an ear out for any talks of disloyalty, ma'am. Do not worry. Your security is my job after all. Rest easy," he added with a small smile

Elira bit her lip in an attempt to keep her tears at bay, breaking when she felt one trickle down her cheek. General Darian moved discreetly so that she was blocked from the eyes in the courtroom and the rest of the staff...









In celebration of finessing through a jury, I give you this chapter!

Man I love Elira in this chapter but also,,,, WHY DO I HAVE TO PUT SO MUCH ON HER SHOULDERS??

Me after weighing my characters down with commitments, conscience and emotional baggage: OMG MY BABIE I WILL PROTECT

Someone should take my keyboard away from me I feel.

Also General Darian is just🤌

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