36- Mourning

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Yoongi and Elira walked to her room with their hands intertwined between them

Elira placed her hand on the doorknob to her room, stopping mid-turn "Oh- you need to freshen up don't you, that was quite a workout wasn't it?"

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile," well...."


"I thought, we could, um, you know?"

"Go for a round two? well no sir, I decline, I have been a bit sore-"

Yoongi chuckled as he pulled her closer, "No, I didn't mean that- I was thinking more on the lines of, showering together-"

"oh-" Elira said quietly as she looked away

"I mean we could also do the other idea since that has evidently been on your mind-" Yoongi laughed and pecked one of the bruises on her neck as Elira glared at him

"and... we don't have to do this either, babe, just... whatever you're comfortable with, hmm?" Yoongi whispered, his lips grazing the shell of her ear

"No actually I think I'd like that... also Yoongi this is still a corridor, so just give me a second-" Elira said as she quickly opened the door, pulling Yoongi inside by his collar, wrapping her arms around his neck the moment the door shut, "So... a shower, hmm?"

"Uh huh~," he said with a tiny smile

They walked to the bathroom together, arms still around each other.

Yoongi opened the door, his eyes widening, "what the fuck-"

Elira turned around and groaned

"I cannot with this family-" she whined into his chest

The lights in the bathroom were turned down low, with unlit candles arranged around the foaming bathtub, gently bubbling away as the water moved under the surface, petals of flowers scattered around the base. Off to the side, there were two fluffy bathrobes and a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine and champagne, a tiny cheese board.

"Your mom's super cool, do you know that?" Yoongi said with a grin

Elira sighed with a smile, turning back to face the room, "Yes... I know..."

"You'll take the left and I'll take the right?" Yoongi said as he grabbed the matchboxes from the counter



"LOOK. AWAY!!" Elira said, Yoongi already in the tub, the suds covering him up to his neck as he sank in with a sigh

They had finished lighting the candles and had switched off the lights, the flames flickering in the dark

"I can barely see anything, but okay," Yoongi said as he closed his eyes. Elira stared at him for a few seconds, making sure, before stripping, tiptoeing to the tub, gently sitting on the other side. Yoongi opened his eyes and pouted, "I thought you'd come here..."


"Come here Princess," he said as he opened his arms, beckoning her, Elira laughing

"Prin- princess?" she said between giggles


"So," Elira said as she crawled to Yoongi, "You read romance novels, huh?"

"Uh-huh..." he said, his eyes lighting up with a challenge as she stood on her knees in front of him.

"What else did they teach you... these romance novels?" Elira asked with a smile full of mischief, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight as she traced a finger down the middle of his chest, making him gulp.

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