51- Love

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Elira opened her eyes, sitting up straight in a hurry, the door to the room opening

"Your majesty, please lie down you need the rest-"

"Where's Yoongi? Where's Namjoon? Is he alright? Where's my phone-"

"Ma'am everyone's alright, please lie down, I'll bring the doctor,"

"I need to go I cannot lie down here-"

"Lie down Elira." Narina said as she strode into the room, "don't make me push you down on the bed, darling."

"Mother I need to-"

"You need rest, love. Namjoon is fine, they're contemplating weaning him off the anaesthetics early. As for Yoongi, he's going to be back any minute now,"

"Mr Choi?"

Narina visibly tensed, "Taken care of. General Darian has been told to not go easy on him-"

"Mother he's not from this country we simply cannot-"


Elira looked at Narina and sighed, "Does Yoongi know?"

"Yes, he does. Everything's taken care of. And now you need to rest. And I'm not leaving your side."

Elira giggled, "mother I'm fine. That wasn't serious, it's okay-"

Narina glared at Elira, shutting her up

"Wow, sometimes I forget how scary you can be."

Narina quirked an eyebrow, a tiny smirk curving her lips"It runs in the family, love"


Yoongi jogged in the hospital's corridors, stopping in front of Namjoon's room. His chest heaved as he looked through the window to see Namjoon, still fast asleep, the colour back on his face and Elira by his side, in a wheelchair, Narina behind her.

He opened the door quietly, worry creasing his face as he walked to Elira

"Are you-"

"I'm fine. I'm completely fine. Ms Narina here insisted I should *not* exert myself tonight so-" Narina lightly smacked Elira's shoulder
"Call me Ms Narina once again and I'll hide your damn chalkboards"

"I'll issue a royal decree to find them"

Yoongi smiled, "Glad to see my two favourite ladies are doing fine"

Narina rolled her eyes, "Son, I'm way out of your league,"

Elira scoffed as Yoongi chuckled

"I'll leave you two alone," Narina said with a smile, walking out of the room.

"Hi" Yoongi whispered, concern evident on his face as he took one of Elira's hands in his own.

"Yoongi I'm alright. Like really, truly, I can sprint a 100m race right now and still beat your sorry ass type of fine,"

Yoongi smiled and kissed Elira's hand, running his thumb over the back of her hand.

He looked at Namjoon, "Right under our noses, all this time, I didn't think Secretary Choi would-"

"This is a giant web and we're caught in the midst of it all."

"I wonder how Namjoon's going to take it. Not being able to move like before. It's gonna crush him"

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