56- Storm

172 19 10

"I'm happy you agreed to this meeting, King Ye jun," Elira smiled politely as they sat in his study, two cups of tea between them, the sky outside a dull grey, snow gently falling to the ground

Ye Jun chuckled, "Ah, what's a meeting between a father and a daughter, hmm?" 

Elira clenched her jaw as she watched Ye jun take a sip of tea with a smile that could only be described as triumphant.

Oh, how she wanted to smack it off his face right now. She clenched her hands, her nails digging into her palms.

Elira smiled, "Well, this isn't exactly a family meeting per se," she added a sugar cube to her tea, taking the tiny spoon next to her teacup and gently swirling it, taking care to not clink it to the sides.

A knock sounded at the door, the guards opening it to reveal Yoongi, a briefcase in his hands. He dropped his head in a short bow, "Father." he said, before walking up to them, standing behind Elira

"More like a meeting between heads of state... you know, " The spoon clinked against the porcelain, making Elira click her tongue, "Ruler to Ruler, Queen to King," she took out the spoon and tapped it on the edge once, the chime echoing in the silence, "Authority to Criminal,"

Ye jun looked at Elira with a smirk, "Criminal? Do you know the weight of the words you utter, girl? In the study of said criminal no less," he leaned back on his chair, the flag of Korea off to his side, seemingly frowning

"Oh, frankly I do know. It may seem ridiculous right now, and for convenience's sake, I probably should've made a PowerPoint presentation. But," she tapped the desk and Yoongi swiftly placed the briefcase in front of her, standing by her side as Ye Jun glared at him, "I am, but a girl. A child, who doesn't know how to do such difficult tasks. I just, merely, run a country," Elira said with a flutter of her eyelashes and a scheming smile, clicking the briefcase open.

"Where would you like me to start? The confessions, the reports, or the charges against you?"

"Yoongi what are you doing?" Ye Jun seethed, "standing by the side of a woman you have known for months, instead of standing next to your father-"

Yoongi scoffed, "It's mighty convenient of you to bring parenthood into the picture when you need it," he mumbled, Elira looking at him in sadness before her face hardened again

"King Ye Jun, if I take these to the international court of justice, you shall be found guilty and charged for the following crimes. The murder of King Oran and subsequently, Crown Princess Kiana, Two separate assassination attempts on the Queen of Avar and two assassination attempts on your very own Lieutenant General Namjoon,"


"You do not have to include THAT," Namjoon insisted, "It's no big deal-"

Yoongi raised his hand, "You almost died and this entire ordeal left you with an injured ankle that is going to affect you for the rest of your life, that is not nothing,"


"No. Yoongi is right. there is no negotiating here. You are just as important and this crime is just as heinous as the murder of my father. He will not get away with this," Elira seethed


Yoongi and Elira watched as Ye jun inspected the contents of the briefcase, his hands shaking with every flip of paper, anger contorting his face.

He dropped the last paper from his hands on the desk, "You two do realise, especially you, Yoongi, that I could have you both arrested, right here, right now, for treason?"

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