23- Differences

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Yoongi walked back to his room, softly shutting the door behind him. He fell down on his soft mattress but his eyes refused to close. Maybe it was all that coffee, or maybe it was the fact that he had a million things on his mind. He looked up at the ceiling, the blank wall making it easier to let his mind wander.

Man was he glad he wasn't next in line to the throne.

He would've had literally no say in anything, and If there was one thing Min Yoongi valued more than his life, it was his independence.

He rolled onto his side and pulled out his phone. The news was all over the place. From highlights about the ceremonies to a couple of tabloids reporting on both Elira and Yoongi's multiple sightings, both back in Korea and now here, the day's dance adding fuel to the fire.

He couldn't help but smile as he looked at a picture where both of them were laughing, the glimmer in her eyes making him chuckle.

Easy was the word he'd use to describe it. It had been easy to become friends with Elira, to stick by her, to help her. 

Almost effortless.

Yoongi had never felt that before.

It almost seemed too dangerous, teetering on the edge of something almost forbidden.

His arms secured around her waist, the proximity between them so close that he could feel her breaths fanning the nape of his neck.

He gently slapped the heat rising in his cheeks before opening his chats, Namjoon's name at the top, around 50 messages unopened, the latest one reading *MIN YOONGI*. Yoongi grinned before locking the phone and tossing it to the side table.

Namjoon would have to wait a little longer.

He stood up from the bed, walking to his bag in the corner of the room. Reaching in, he fished out his midi keyboard and laptop.

He couldn't sleep

Might as well make some music.

Pushing all the books and papers scattering on the study table, he set everything up, bringing a bottle of water and setting it on the table too.

Yoongi glanced at his wrist.

4 am

He had three hours to kill before breakfast. Smiling, he sat down, opening his software.

He had to capture this feeling somehow...


"Stay a while longer? Whatever for?!" Aera exclaimed as Yoongi looked down at his feet, his hands behind his back.

It had taken him five super convincing speeches in front of the mirror to gather the courage to drop the question.

"I just thought we could turn this into a diplomatic visit-" he mumbled

"It already was a diplomatic visit. Just what did you think this was, a kiddy trip?" Yong saeng scoffed as he looked at his brother incredulously

"Were you invited by the queen to do so?" Aera asked cautiously

"Uhhhh...," Yoongi fumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck

"You're going to have to take this up with your father then. I cannot do anything regarding this..." Aera said as she left the living room to oversee the packing in her bedroom

Yoongi rolled his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched her disappear into the room

"What are you even trying to do here?" Yong saeng asked as he walked up to Yoongi, towering over the younger man, who looked him square in the eyes

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