21- The Queen

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Elira was awoken early in the morning to prepare for the coronation. Slipping on the dress, she stood still as the dressers fitted the cloak and the necklace, along with a sash with badges and brooches.
All of it was supposed to weigh a considerable amount, but none of them measured up to the figurative weight on her shoulders.
She sighed as she touched the military badge above her heart,

Two crossed swords and a camellia.

Camellias everywhere.

Excellence, Perfection, Longevity.

It meant something else too

Showy but delicate.

Sometimes she thought it was the perfect allegory for her kingdom.

A short knock on the door startled Elira, announcing the person to come in, showing General Darian in full ceremonial finery.

"Your majesty..." he said with a  short bow, a look of urgency on his face

Elira raised her hand for her dressers to stop fiddling with her outfit, the two of them bowing before quickly exiting the room.

Elira raised an eyebrow in question as she gestured to the two armchairs in the room.

Darian shook his head and handed her an envelope.

Elira carefully took it and pulled out the papers, glancing through them, "These are the autopsy reports. I've gone through them before-"

Darian shook his head, "Alder was busy with some last-minute preparations and he handed me this envelope, telling me to ask you to look through it again before throwing them away,"

Elira raised an eyebrow as she looked through the reports again only for Darian to take the papers from her hand, leaving only the envelope in her hand, "It's the seal, your majesty. It looks like it had been opened before it got to you..." 

Elira turned it over, running her fingers over the area where the seal had been stuck, holding it up to the light to see a shiny plastic film

"Someone tampered with this?!" 

Darian nodded solemnly, "Alder's eyes were caught by that film as well. We don't know who might've done this, but for now, it would be safe to say that those reports are not the real ones,"

Elira's breath left her lungs as she walked back to one of the armchairs, her eyes frantically shifting from left to right, her eyebrows creased as she considered the implications.


"I'm so sorry for bringing this up now, but Alder was asked to file these yesterday, and he thought it was best that you know about this as soon as possible, even if it meant-"

"Your majesty, pardon me for the intrusion, but we don't have time-" one of the maids said apologetically as they looked through the doorway

"-a few hours before your coronation," Darian finished quietly as the maids walked in again, Elira still seated on the chair, her heart beating relentlessly

"I'll keep looking for possibilities, your majesty, you don't have to worry about this right now. Please focus on your coronation. We will find out who is at the bottom of this," Darian finished with a short bow and walked out the room, Elira standing up dazed, her mind whirring with a thousand thoughts a minute as the dressers and maids got back to work.


Yoongi sat in the aisle seat, in the third row, his feet tapping on the floor as quietly as possible as there were hushed murmurs in the ceremonial hall. His hands played with the hem of his jacket, as he looked around.

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