34- Solace

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Yoongi peeked his head into Elira's study, finding her back facing him as she looked out the window behind her desk into the gardens outside. He slowly walked into the room, placing the paper bag he clutched in one hand on the coffee table, before sneaking up to her. 

He paused beside her as he watched her, earphones in her ears, her eyes closed as she let the late afternoon sun hit her face.

Yoongi moved behind her and gently placed his arms around her shoulders, Elira jumping in her seat, her hand immediately going to the side of her chair"

"What-" she looked at her side and recognised the hands, looking up at Yoongi who looked at her, his brows furrowed as she relaxed in her seat.

"What's there-" he said as he reached down to the place where Elira's hands had been moments ago

"Ah- it's the concealed knife-" Elira answered with a sigh as she guided his hands, showing him the shiny blade hidden in the intricate woodwork of the chair.

"What the hell-" 

Elira chuckled, "Well a war nation can never be too careful, can it? Let's just say there have been some rough times"

"What about with you, huh? You're on the edge," he said as he gently massaged her shoulders, bending down to kiss the crown of her head.

"Hmmm? Oh, it's been a bad day and I'm just tired. Its nothing... I'm fine,"

"Well babe you were about to stab me like two seconds ago, you do not seem fine,"

Elira laughed as she removed her earphones and reached back to pull Yoongi in front of her

"What were you listening to anyway?"

"Our song," she said with a smile as she showed the piano file Yoongi had sent her. Yoongi smiled and took her hands in his, kneeling down on the ground, "I'm leaving in a day, love, but you know I'm right here, right? And I see how heavy everything is on your shoulders right now. Even if you don't tell me all of it, I do see it. And you carry it so gracefully... but just because you carry it well, it doesn't mean it isn't heavy... so I hope you know that you can tell me, and I will try to make it a little easier, a little lighter for you..."

"The fact that you can see it proves I'm not hiding it very well," Elira whispered with a sad smile

Yoongi scoffed at that notion, making Elira look up at him, her eyes brimming, "Aish bub, come here" He leaned in and pulled her in a hug, resting her head on his shoulder as she clung onto him for dear life.

"I don't see it in your meetings and in your speeches love, I see it in your wandering eyes and in the way you pass out the moment you hit the bed like you've been waiting for a break, for a moment of peace in your hurricane of a day..." he pulled back and pecked her forehead and she moved her back to the crook of his neck, slowly melting off the chair onto the floor with him.

They sat there till the orange rays of light filtering through the window cast long shadows.

Elira slowly pulled away and looked at him with a small smile, Yoongi's lips curving in response, his hand gently tucking her stray hair behind her ear, Elira pressing her face into his hand.

"I-," she started before shaking her head, Yoongi raising an eyebrow at her. He leaned in, capturing her lips with his in a soft kiss.

"I love you" she whispered, her lips brushing over his, featherlight

"I love you too..."


They curled up on the sofa after eating what remained of their room temp desserts Yoongi had managed to pick up before visiting her.

"You should've said something. Shame the tiramisu was a puddle by the time we got to it," Elira said sadly

"But then," Yoongi said as he shifted his position and ran a finger where the Tiramisu previously sat, tapping her nose with the cream, "I wouldn't have been able to do that," he grinned like a Cheshire cat, licking the rest of the cream on his finger as Elira scrunched her nose at him.

He laughed as she refused to move, comically glaring at him. 

"Only way to take care of it I guess," he whispered before pecking her nose, 

"THERE'S A TISSUE RIGHT THERE" Elira yelled as she grabbed one and dabbed her nose, not meeting his eyes

"uh-huh? and your point is?" Yoongi said as his voice got deeper, his eyes darker as he leaned closer to her

"I- I don't know. Maybe use one like a normal person?" she said as she slowly scooted away

"Well, we know we are not normal people so, Miss Elira, I ask you one more time," Yoongi said with a smirk on his lips, leaning closer to Elira's face, forcing her to keep moving back, "What is the point you are trying to make, hmm?"

"Min Yoongi I-" Elira stopped when she felt her back hit the armrest, "fuck" she whispered

"Gladly-" Yoongi answered with a grin as he leaned in, trying to hold back his laughter as he watched Elira under him, her eyes scrunched shut, her chest steady as she held her breath, not moving an inch.

He leaned in and pressed a kiss on her cheek before drawing back, Elira hesitantly opening an eye before sitting up, annoyance apparent on her face as Yoongi looked out the window, biting his lip 

She smacked his shoulder, "I hate you"

Yoongi turned to her and laughed, his shoulders shaking as he leaned against the sofa while clutching his stomach, Elira glaring at him with a suppressed smile.

"Hey we don't do this in the study of the head of state of Avar, I don't know what you were thinking-" he said as he raised his hands, earning another smack on his shoulder making him burst into giggles again

"Oh, so that's how you want to play huh?" Elira said darkly as she moved closer to him, her knees digging in the sofa cushion as she hovered over him, her hands cupping his face as she pulled him into a searing kiss.

Yoongi sighed when she broke it, his eyes sparkling in the light filtering from the window.

He leaned again, only for Elira to peck his nose and jump off the sofa, 

"Come now, mother is expecting us. It's almost dinner time" she said with a mischievous smile

Yoongi whined as he threw his head back, "You're gonna drive me mad,"

"You're already down bad, Min Yoongi," Elira answered with a smirk

Yoongi stood up and walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, Elira meeting his eyes with a challenge

"I can say the same about you, Elira..." 












These two are such teases like,,,, it's a power struggle,,, I guess that's what you get when you put two switches together👀

How have you been my Teacuppies?? I hope you have been doing well!<3

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