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Here's an extra chapter cause it's YOONGI DAYYY
He's very precious to me and I wish him nothing but health and happiness❤️
The Amity gala was not until later in the evening, so Elira decided to wander the corridors of the palace, politely nodding and ducking out of the way as the staff scurried around, making last-minute preparations.

She walked, taking in the architecture of the palace, with its wide corridors, some leading to other corridors and rooms, most of them opening into immaculate courtyards with various flowers and plants, lush carpets of moss being cleaned by the gardeners. The wooden and marble floors, painted silks, painted paper screen sliding doors, carved columns.

The Seoul palace was elegance and extravagance at its finest. Not too loud about it's wealth, but obvious in its details.

Elira wandered, her hands behind her back, as she stopped by to stare at paintings and read some of the scripts lining the walls.

"Oh? Hi..." She looked up to see Yoongi walking up to her.

"Hello! Goodmorning. Aren't you supposed to be busy right about now?"

"Nope. I try to keep myself out of the way when it comes to things like this," Yoongi answered as he walked up and took his place next to Elira

"Understandable. Anything you're taking part in though? For the night?"

"Ah-" Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm supposed to play the piano later this evening,"

Elira's face lit up, her eyes shining with excitement as she leaned forward, " What are you playing?"

"Nothing too extravagant, just the Grandes Valses Brilliantes op 34 no 3 in f-major," he said as they slowly started walking again

"That sounds super extravagant and is sure a mouthful,"

Yoongi laughed, "I'll let you in on a secret," he leaned in to whisper in her ear, the proximity raising goosebumps down Elira's neck, "I picked it cause it was the shortest of the Grandes Valses Brilliantes,"

Elira snorted, her hand flying up to her mouth in horror as Yoongi laughed, her joining him soon after.

"Any chance I can hear it before tonight?"

Yoongi stopped walking, looking at her in contemplation before shrugging his shoulders, "sure, why the hell not?"
He turned on his heel and started walking to his room
"Wait a second-" Elira stopped him, gesturing him to extend his elbow
"What-" Yoongi said as Elira intertwined her arms with his,

"This is good practice for today night, isn't it? Considering I'm sticking by you the entire time, it's best we aren't too awkward with so many people around," she said nonchalantly, facing forward again, oblivious to the fact that Yoongi's ears had turned a noticeable shade of red, his free hand going up to his ear.

"Shall we, Prince Yoongi?" She turned to him and asked with a slight upturn of lips

Why did his heart flutter?


Yoongi delicately unclasped his arm from Elira's proceeding to open a door, leading into an extensive study.

"Welcome to my room, I guess-" he said as he returned around the place, a fascinated Elira turning a full circle to look at the place, bumping into him,

"I'm so sorry-"

"No, it's okay... Come along now," he said as he scurried away, Elira jogging to keep up with him as he walked to the right-wing of his room, leading to another study, ending with a door,

"And this is the place, I call home," he said with a grin.

"I asked them to move my piano out yesterday, the plum blossoms are expected to bloom today," he turned around to see Elira walking up to his desks, notes and mixing equipment neatly set up, a couple of synths and monitors showing that he had been working on something. She leaned in closer to read something, only to be pulled away by Yoongi grabbing her hand and leading her through another door, this time to a patio, "but I haven't seen them yet so-" he said with a smile as Elira was still processing the sudden change in scenery.

They walked the cobblestone path to a quiet courtyard, turning a corner to face an old plum tree, leaning to one side, its blossoms in full glory as it swayed gently in the breeze, the black piano under it shining under the sun.

Elira lost her breath as she stared at the scene before her, the green moss, the polished stone pavilion the piano was on, the delicate blossoms on the plum tree.

She walked up to the piano in a trance, this time dragging Yoongi behind her, who realised their hands were still intertwined, trying to come up with ways to separate them without seeming rude.

He didn't have to worry too much though, as Elira removed her hand, running her fingers over the lacquered wood of the piano, and then over the ragged bark of the plum tree.

Yoongi sat down on his seat, flexing his fingers, looking up at Elira, who delicately ran her hands on the tree while looking up at the branches, loose tendrils framing her face, her heterochromia obvious in the sunlight.

He shook his head as he placed his hands on the piano, the familiarity relaxing his body.

And he played, starting off slow, gently breaking Elira from the spell, who now looked at Yoongi with a gentle smile as the man swayed with the music, his hands moving from one part of the piano to another so dexterously it was mesmerising.

Elira draped herself on one side of the piano as she watched Yoongi lose himself in the music, one of his feet gently tapping, the other working the pedals.

She threw her head back and sighed, watching the plum blossoms scatter their petals into the breeze, spreading their honey scent into the courtyard.

Yoongi looked up at her and their eyes met, causing them both to smile, unbridled happiness painting their faces.
He ended it with a flourish, looking up at Elira as she clapped for him,

"Oh, there's another reason you should be happy I chose this particular piece," he said as he turned back to face the keys
"And what is that?"

"You should be glad it's short, cause this is the piece you're supposed to dance with hyung tonight,"

Elira playfully smacked Yoongi's shoulder as he chuckled, "and there you go, ruining my bliss,"

He laughed, his fingers already moving on the keys as he began another piece, this one calmer and simpler, Elira sighing and looking at the lazy clouds in the sky, gently dancing to his music.








Come to think of it
Pianos have always been a thing in all of my books, haven't they?
I'm living my piano playing dreams through my books basically lmao
I play the guitar tho
Or should I say *played* since it's been AGES since I've picked it up😭
I used to be pretty damn good
I need to get back to that *makes a little note*

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