12- Thoughtful

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Elira sat up, stretching out her body with a satisfied yawn as she looked around the room.

She looked at the hastily discarded dress on the armchair and remembered last night,

Yoongi gently leading her to her room, wishing her goodnight with a warm smile.

She blushed as she held her face in her hands, gently patting her cheeks.

"Your royal highness?" Alder knocked on her door, "

"Yes, Alder?"

"All your stuff has been packed and you're ready to go after breakfast-"


"Ma'am, your trip to Busan with the royal family of Korea."

"Oh shit-" she exclaimed as she threw off the covers from her body and hastened to get ready for breakfast

"And, um... Ma'am, that won't be necessary... His royal highness Prince Yoongi had breakfast sent to you this morning instead," Alder said as he gestured for the tea trolly to be wheeled into the sitting room.

Elira looked up from the sink, toothbrush still hanging out as she walked up to the tea trolley. She spotted a folded up note addressed to her, waving Alder out.

She picked up the white paper, monogrammed with Yoongi's initials.

Unfolding it, she looked at it perplexed


She walked back to the sink while looking at the paper the entire time, trying to make sense of it. After washing her face, she pulled the trolley in, picking off a danish while looking for more clues. She found a smaller note where the actual one was placed

You made quite an impression, it read

"What the heck?"

Elira slowly chewed on her breakfast as she tried to make sense of the cryptidness of the entire affair. She sipped her coffee and called for the royal dresser, walking up to her table while she waited to be summoned

"Impression..." she mumbled, while she nibbled on the end of her pencil.

"Wait a second-" she muttered as she tilted the pencil on its side and gently ran it over the paper, words appearing slowly as the graphite ran over its flat surface

"The clever man~" she whispered as she read the revealed message.

I guess we need to talk about last night but at the same time, I don't want to talk about it, so I thought we could write instead? I'm better with words this way too.

What do you say, my lady?

Your fine sir
(No names cause we gotta be sneaky-)

Elira chuckled
Some sneak he was being

Using his monogrammed paper for the letters.

All when they lived in the 21st century

She neatly folded up the note and placed it in her planner, putting it in the drawer.

She ate her breakfast and chugged down the coffee as the royal dresser summoned her to be dressed for the day.

Wearing a practical outfit of riding boots, a silk shirt and fitted pants, her hair down her side in a braid, Elira had never felt more comfortable.

She walked up to the dressing table set in the corner of the room and opened the first drawer, taking out a carved wooden box, opening it and running her fingers over her polished blade

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