39- Father

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Yoongi steeled himself before he nodded at the guards to open the doors to the room.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Yoongi," Secretary Jung announced with a flourish, King Ye jun looking up from his computer screen

was that
Was that a smile on his face...?

Yoongi bowed, Ye jun standing up, walking towards Yoongi who stood in front of his father, both hands behind his back, as was standard practice.

"Come on, why so stiff? You're meeting your father, not the king!" Ye jun said, the smile slightly unsettling Yoongi

He'd seen it before, but when related to him, it was as rare as a blue moon.

Ye jun wrapped an arm around Yoongi's shoulder, leading him to one of the large glass sliding doors leading to his private courtyard.

"So, how was your trip?"

"It- it was good father."

"I take you sufficiently performed your duties as second Prince of Korea?"

"Yes. Everything went as scheduled."

"Good good... well Yoongi I'm thinking of giving you some more duties. Something along the lines of combat, I take one of your favourite past-times is sparring with Lieutenant general Namjoon, no?"

Yoongi nodded hesitantly, unsure about where this was going

"I think we should instate you as a Major general for a couple of months, before ranking up to lieutenant general and then, as it goes, a full General?"

"What?" Yoongi looked up at his father, confusion furrowing his eyebrows

"Or would you prefer the navy? Although there I think we're gonna have to start you off somewhere lower since the seas are new territory-"

"But father, what- I mean why-"

"Well since I am the commander-general of the armed forces, I thought it would be good to have someone from the family learn the ropes before I step down soon..." 

Everyone knew Ye jun intended to step down, let Yong saeng take over while he was still young so that when he died, he left the country in capable, experienced hands, as so many of the kings of the past had done. But-

"But Hyung- Hyung is already learning-"

Ye jun waved it off, "what's another royal learning the way, hmm?"

Yoongi hesitantly nodded, Ye jun patting him on his back, "That's settled then. We'll induct you tomorrow," Ye jun said as he turned around, walking back into the study, leaving Yoongi alone in the courtyard 

Well not really alone, since his thoughts kept him company,

and they were whirring at a mile a minute


"What the heck?" Namjoon said, stopping midstep

Yoongi and he were walking in Yoongi's private courtyard

"I don't know what he's up to. It isn't making sense to me at all-"

"We'll be seeing wayy more of each other from now on!" Namjoon said with a carefree slap on Yoongi's back, making him stumble forward

"Yeah..." Yoongi smiled hesitantly

"Oh, and you know what they say about men in uniform?" Namjoon said with a sly smile

"What do you mean, you know I already have a uniform as a royal-"

"Ah yes, but to a queen of a war nation-" Namjoon whispered suggestively as he wiggled his eyebrows, Yoongi's ears going beet red as he scrunched his eyes closed

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