6- Delicate

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Elira stood in front of the mirror as her dresser zipped up the back of her dress, slipping on a jacket before placing a necklace of pearls on her chest, clasping it in place, tucking it under her jacket.

She examined herself in the mirror, the light yellow sheath dress and jacket, a camellia lapel pin and the necklace being the only adornment, her hair in a neat set of curls at the back of her head.

Too perfect

She reached up and pulled out a strand of hair from the front of her neat hair, the dresser sighing as Elira smirked and tucked the section behind her ear.

"Thank you," Elira nodded before walking out the room, Alder falling in step next to her, handing her her speech.

The car is waiting for you at the east entrance ma'am, which is this way," he said as they turned into a new corridor, the walls opening up leading to twin courtyards, the early morning air chilling Elira's bare legs.
She picked up the pace as she walked to the car, jumping into it.

Alder sat shotgun as he put on his spectacles and took out his little book.

"Your highness has a meeting at the Embassy first thing in the morning, that's where we're going now, followed by a lunch with the Avarian counsel to Korea, at the embassy itself.
You have a couple of hours free before the graduation ceremony at Seoul National University, where you are the guest of honour and the event is expected to last for three hours-"

Elira tuned out as she watched the plum trees pass them by, branches laden with buds that hadn't bloomed yet

"I play the piano sometimes in that courtyard-"

Elira's lips curved when she remembered Yoongi's expression as he talked about the things he evidently loved.
She thought he'd be an enigma, but he was as easy to read as an open book.

You just had to know how to read...

and that was easy enough when it was like looking in a mirror.


"Hmm yes? Three hours. Okay-"

"I can make a reason to leave early if you need-"

"No, what do I have to do-"

"The crown prince has asked if he could have tonight's dinner with you-"


"Yes ma'am, I told you about it. His secretary asked me this morning."

"Whatever for?"

"I wasn't informed of the specifics, ma'am,"

"Any way out of it?"

Alder cocked his eyebrow at her, "I understand your highness doesn't particularly enjoy new company, but given your position, I'd advise against it."

Elira nodded wordlessly, looking down at the papers on the seat next to her.

Shake hands

Flash a smile

Nod amicably

Fake a delicate laugh

Talk about their family

Answer about your family

The royal family

Elira rubbed her forehead as she stood outside the Embassy dining room.

It wore her down.

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