53- All the time

178 21 28

The day.

The day had arrived. One the kingdom had been anticipating since the last wedding.

The air was festive as cities all over Avar and Korea buzzed with excitement.

The cold didn't deter the citizens from going all out, the streets of Leas were decorated with flowers
("an unnecessary expense!" Elira had protested to which Narina had merely replied "you won't be getting married again, my dear")  and bunting, Flags of Avar hanging proudly from shop windows, the Burgundy fabric adorning the city at every corner.


Queen Aera hesitantly stepped into the Queen's quarters, The flurry of activity as everyone got ready for the wedding catching her off guard. She stood still for a few beats till she felt a hand on her arm. Elira, clad in a red bathrobe and a towel on her head,  looked at her with a smile,

"I'll take you to mum, your highness!"

Queen Aera lightly patted Elira's hand, "I'm your mother too now dear..." She raised her hand and cupped Elira's face, "You're glowing today,"

Elira blushed as she murmured a thank you, trying to not let the euphoria of it all get to her as she weaved through the crowd to lead Aera to Narina.

The two women got to chatting as they took command of their daughter, promptly pushing her towards the changing room as Elira rolled her eyes.


Namjoon and Yong Saeng stood by as the butlers fiddled with Yoongi's outfit, only to be dismissed from their duties by a put together Hoseok, all crisp in a pinstriped suit.

Namjoon and Yong Saeng felt a little underdressed in their military dress uniforms as they watched Hoseok drape Yoongi's sash just right.

"Is this the aura of a fashion designer-" Yong Saeng whispered as Namjoon nodded in a daze

"Aaand you're ready to go, hyung!" Hoseok said with a heart-shaped grin, Yoongi turning around to face Yong Saeng and Namjoon, who clapped in approval


The entourage made its way through Leas, tiny Avarian and Korean flags waving on the cars as they drove towards the venue. Yoongi smiled and waved at the people in the crowds, who cheered more loudly when they spotted their future king, tripping over each other as they tried to get a glimpse.

"I hope they don't hurt each other..." Yoongi mumbled, his brows furrowed

"Nah. I bet the security will make sure of that. They've been successful at keeping everything and everyone very organised so far," Yong Saeng reassured

"So... My little brother's getting married today..?" He stated softly, his words not really a question

Yoongi chuckled nervously, picking at his cuffs, "I didn't think this would be the order of things but here we are..."

Yong Saeng groaned as he threw his head back, "How in the hell will I face Elira at events knowing full well I got rejected like that?!"

Yoongi laughed, "ah that's going to be the dinner table joke for years to come. I'll never let hear the end of it. I bet your future partner would be very interested to hear about that!" He said with a grin as Yong Saeng looked at him, playfully annoyed.

They stopped in front of the hedge that opened to the path to the greenhouse, reporters clamouring and cameras flashing once they realised who was in the car

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