31- Dead ends

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Yoongi and Elira walked out of the terrace into the corridor, arms intertwined, slight blush painting their faces, tiny smiles they tried to hide curving their lips. they stopped in their tracks when they spotted Alder at the end of the corridor. Yoongi looked at his watch. 1:00am.

Elira unlinked her arm and walked up to Alder who bowed.

"Is something wrong?"

Alder looked up apologetically as he held an envelope, "There have been developments ma'am,"

"What happened?" Yoongi said as he walked up to them, wrapping an arm around Elira's shoulder, rubbing her arm comfortingly

"The study?" Elira offered as Alder solemnly nodded. He cleared his throat, "Also, ma'am, I don't mean to be forward but-"


"Its a matter of national security and having Prince Yoongi-"

"Ah no that's okay Alder, you don't have to worry about that."

Alder nodded hesitantly

"I can go back to the room it's okay, you've got some things to handle-" Yoongi whispered

"Shh. I want you here... if you don't mind," Elira said as she firmly held onto his hand

Yoongi nodded, lifting her hand, pressing a gentle kiss as they walked.


Yoongi brought three mugs of coffee, placing one in front of Alder before standing behind Elira.

Elira broke the seal with one clean slice of her blade, pulling out the sheets of paper, fuzzy black and white pictures of the masked intruder on the pages.

"The attacker knew of the layout of the palace, and also the guard changes and the placement of the CCTV cameras. This concludes the fact that this was an inside job. you'd have to be inside the palace for at least a week to know all the intricacies since the guard changes change every day too. They were meticulous too, no fingerprints, footprints cleaned too after a point-" Alder said cautiously.

"Long story short, we have no clue, do we?" Elira asked, raising an eyebrow, leaning forward on her seat, causing Alder to look down. Yoongi placed a hand on her shoulder and she relaxed a bit, sitting back again, sighing

"The city was virtually asleep as well, ma'am. There were no eyewitnesses. We believe they took the back alleys, away from the monitored streets-"

"No leads?"

"None whatsoever, ma'am-"

"I guess that's that then. Just, maybe be *more* meticulous next time. The last thing this *mighty war nation* needs is its Queen murdered in her bed-"

Elira felt Yoongi's grip tighten on her shoulder as he let out a sharp exhale, Alder, looking at Elira in horror as she coolly stared at him. 

"On that note, I think we need to call for General Darian don't you think?"

"Oh and ma'am, the royal physician has been in questioning and um-" Alder looked at Yoongi and then looked at Elira, who gestured him to go on

"His Majesty had shown symptoms of dehydration and weakness and it being a relatively minor thing, wasn't brought to the notice of her majesty, the queen. after a day's rest and being hooked to an IV, he said he felt as good as new and left-"

"And when was this?!"

"A day before the incident ma'am-"

"You don't think-" Yoongi whispered

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