41- Cold

198 22 19

8 pm. 

Yoongi walked from his car to the private jet on the still-warm tarmac.

"This is a very bad decision" Yoongi had whispered to Namjoon in the car

"No, it's not. It's a decision. You'll know if it was a bad decision when you look back in a couple of years,"

"I bet I'll know in a couple of hours"

Namjoon had chuckled at that

Yoongi looked back from the top of the stairs, Namjoon raising a hand in farewell, Yoongi smiling hesitantly in acknowledgement.

Well here goes nothing


"A Korean aircraft?" Elira asked

"Prince Yoongi is said to be the sole passenger on board. They are requesting permission to land a safe passage to the castle," Alder said cautiously



Elira didn't know if she could face him. 

But she couldn't turn him away either.

All she wanted was a warm hug as he ran his fingers through her hair

but also,

he was now the son of the country that murdered her father and sister

who put the Avar on her shoulders

"Prepare a room for him, same as last time,"

Alder bowed, exiting the study soon after.



That's what Yoongi felt, all the way from the airport to the castle, down the halls, to his room. 

There was a chill in the air he couldn't pinpoint. 

Maybe he was expecting Elira at the airport, her arms secure around his waist as she smiled at him.

He shook his head, focusing on the trees lining the streets, now changing into the warm colours of autumn.


Elira didn't welcome him at the castle. Didn't even sit with him through dinner. 

Yoongi dropped himself on the bed, anxiety clawing its way up his throat.

He wasn't supposed to be here. He didn't know what the consequences of this entire impromptu trip would be once he got back. 

The king will not be happy.

He sat on the edge of the bed, hunched over, threading his fingers through his hair, calming himself down.

A shaky breath, maybe two.

Yoongi couldn't remember what happened after that. 

All he saw was Elira, cupping his face, worry creasing her features before she pulled him in, Yoongi's tears wetting her shoulder.


Elira took a deep breath. 

It took everything in her to stand in front of the familiar door. She didn't want to know. She didn't want to know if it was true-

She raised her hand and knocked

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