Chapter 12

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In the morning, Meredith awoke to sounds in the kitchen. She had slept in her old Colombia tshirt and a pair of flannel pajamas, and decided that was good enough to wear.

She went downstairs and entered the kitchen. "Morning." Derek said with a smile as he cooked some eggs and bacon. "Morning." Meredith said with a yawn as she poured herself some coffee.

"You have work today?" Derek asked. Meredith shook her head. "No. Intern clock." Meredith said with a small laugh that made his heart flutter.

"So." Meredith said. "Tell me about yourself. I haven't seen you in years." Derek said. "What do you want to know?" She asked. "Just tell me about yourself." Derek said.

"I'm 30, I'm in my third year of internship. Uhhh." Mereditj trailed off. "Are you seeing anybody?" Derek asked suddenly. Meredith blushed slightly. "No." She said. Derek nodded. "What about you?" She asked.

"I'm 35, I work at the hospital as you know. I also just sent divorce papers to Addison." Derek said. "You what?" Meredith asked in shock. "Yeah." He said. "I also told mom I was home. And she also expects us to be at the house in an hour." Derek said with a smirk.

"Derek!" Meredith exclaimed. "Sorry." Derek apologized. "No your not." Meredith said with a smile as she punched his arm playfully.

An hour later, Meredith and Derek showed up to their old house. "Meredith! Derek!" Carolyn exclaimed happily. "Hi mom." The two said at the same time as they walked into the house. "Derek, where's Addison?" Carolyn asked. "Long story. I'll tell you when we sit." Derek replied.

"Meredith, you look too skinny. Are you eating?" She asked in concern. "I'm fine Mom." Meredith insisted as they all sat down on the couch. "What happened with Addison?" Carolyn asked as michael sat down next to her.

"She slept with someone else." Derek said, but surprisingly he didn't seem too sad about it. "She what?!" Carolyn exclaimed. "Yup." Derek breathed. "I'm sorry son." Michael said genuinely. "It's okay. I don't think...I don't think I was ever in love with her." Derek admitted as he tried to discreetly (not so discreetly) looked at Meredith.

Carolyn saw the glance and smiled to herself. "So how does this involve Mer?" Michael asked. "We Uh, work togetehr." Derek replied. "You got a job at Seattle grace?" Carolyn asked. "Head of Neuro." Derek said proudly. "Congratulations Derek." Carolyn said as she hugged him. "Thansk mom." Derek replied.

"Meredith, are you sure you've been eating enough?" Carolyn asked again, being a normal worrying mother. "Mom, I'm okay." Meredith said softly. "True. She eats a lot." Derek said with a chuckle. "And how would you know that?" Michael asked.

"Uh, well I didn't really have a place to stay at and I wanted Mer to come with me to talk to you guys so I stayed at her apartment last night." Derek said. "Okay." Carolyn said. She had a hunch that that wasn't the whole story, but she wasn't going to pry.

"Mer, how's work going?" Michael asked. "Good. Tiring, but it's good. I scrubbed in on a craniotomy the other day." Meredith said. Derek, Carolyn, and michael all noticed the way Merediths eyes lit up when she talked about surgery.

"Am I going to have 2 neurosurgeons on my hands?" Carolyn asked jokingly. "I don't even know if I want to go into neuro. I just like it." Meredith said. "Actually 3. Amy wants to be a neurosurgeon too." Derek corrected. He was happy meredith liked neuro.

"So Derek, are you going to stay here or at Merediths? Are you going to try to work things out with Addison?" Carolyn asked. "No I'm not going to try to work things out with her. I sent her divorce papers. Im sorry by the way." Derek said as he hung his head in shame. "It's okay Derek." Carolyn said soothingly.

After Derek calmed down, the questions kept on comign. "Derek, are you staying with us or Meredith? It's completely fine if you want to stay with us." Carolyn asked. Derek looked at Meredith, who shrugged. She did want him to stay, but she wouldn't admit that in front of everyone.

"I'll stay with Mer, if she's okay with it." Derek said hesitantly. "Sure." Meredith replied. Derek nodded. Carolyn opened her mouth to say something when the shrill beeping sound cut her off. "Damnit." Meredith said as her pager went off. "Trauma." Meredith said. "It's okay honey. Go save lives. We love you." Carolyn said. "Love you too." Meredith said as she hurried out the door.

"So what really happened?" Michael asked. "Nothing. Addison cheated on me. Mer and I met back up at work." Derek lied. "You're a bad liar." Carolyn said with a smirk. "Wemayhavemetatabar." Derek mumbled. "You what?" Michael asked with a smile. "We met at a bar." Derek said louder.

"Okay. I don't need to know anymore." Carolyn said. "Derek, once your divorce is final, go for it." Michael said. "I-." Derek started. "No. Derek, we've seen you around her. You clearly love her. It's not hard to see. And it's not weird because you guys grew up together because you haven't talked in years." Michael argued. "I domt want to lose her again." Derek admitted. "You won't." Carolyn assured. "But how do you know that?" Derek asked. "I know. Trust me." She said.

Derek nodded. "The divorce should be finalized in no less than a week." Derek said. His parents nodded. "So you're staying with her?" Michael asked. Derek nodded. "Is she really taking care of herself?" Carolyn asked. "Ma, Merediths always been small. She's eating, don't worry. She's okay." Derek reassured.

Carolyn nodded. "Has she been okay?" Derek asked. "I think she's been lonely, even if she wouldn't admit it. She has work but that's about it." Carolyn replied. "She hasn't tried dating?" Derek asked. "Honey, if I'm being honest I think she's still scared to let anyone in or trust anyone." Carolyn admitted. Derek nodded sadly. "I can still remember the day when we saw her on the bench." Michael sighed. "Me too." Derek replied. "She won't feel like that again." Derek said sternly.

Here's an update!! I hope you guys enjoy!! ❤️❤️

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