Chapter 34

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Ken led me back to his dad's office where I heard Theodore talking to someone. I thought I must have been dreaming, because the conversation actually sounded intelligent and normal.

"It's dad," Ken stopped me at the door entrance. "He's having a moment of sanity!" He exclaimed. I stared at the door and listened to the conversation. It was Theodore talking to Barbie about Child Proof Tablets, and how he managed to hack through a security barrier on one.

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow. The conversation was still a little on the weird side.

"Go in and see!" Ken smiled brightly at me. I shrugged and reluctantly walked into the office. Theodore was sitting at his desk like a normal person, Barbie in the chair across from him. I smiled at the scene. Barbie looked so happy just listening to her father ramble on about a bunch of techno junk, I felt a tug on my heart strings as I thought of my own dad.

"Hmmm, and who is this young man?" I suddenly noticed that the talking had stopped and that Theodore was talking about me.

"Oh, that's Mark. He's...another agent." Barbie said sheepishly.

"Another agent?!??!" Theodore exclaimed. "I said I didn't want anymore of them in my office! All they do is snoop around!" He pounded his fist on the table. That explains why the rest of the gang aren't here, I thought.

"But wait..." Theodore stroked his chin. "You seem trustworthy. You played the first version of Zombie Tribe Online didn't you?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly, not really sure what to expect.

"You stuck with the game till the end," he squinted at me. "You're trustworthy, young man. So I'm giving this to you." Suddenly Theodore shoved a small metal and plastic stick into my hand. I gripped it tightly, knowing it was important some how. 

"Mark," he leaned forward and whispered so Barbie couldn't hear. "Don't trust the black uniforms. They only bring destruction." He leaned away from me and rummaged in one of the desk drawers.

"Wait!" I whisper/hissed at Theodore. "By black uniforms do you mean-" but before I could continue, Theodore pulled out the tin of shortbread cookies and began munching on them. I knew that his sane moment was long gone (if that even counted as one, he had still seemed a little crazed to me), because only someone crazy would eat those.

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