Chapter 6 Comforting Chase

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  • Dédié à Fynn, who REALLY needed a life

Hey! ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻This chapters kind of short, but theres alot of feeling in it. Enjoy -Your Faithful writers- Steve~Lewis-


I stared in shock as everyone around me began screaming and running around the Lunch Hall. A group of people in plain white clothes surrounded Piper and began heaving her on a strecher. I caught a glimpse of her pale white face, her eyes wide open with shock. She was mouthing something over and over to a blonde boy who couldn't be older than Chase. He had a name tag on his white shirt that read 'Fynn'. 

I felt my legs carry myself over to the group of people, ignoring the sound of authoritive voices coming out of hidden speakers that were instructing everyone to leave the Lunch Hall as quickly as possible.

I didn't know what to say as I watched all the peramedics walk quickly out of the Lunch Hall with Piper on the strecher. Soon, it was only a few paramedics, the guy named Fynn and I left in the Hall.

"Has anyone called 911?" I finally managed to force out of my mouth. I didn't realize how dumb that question was until Fynn eyed me suspiciosly.

"We don't call 911, there's a hospital wing and fully trained crew of paramedics in this facilty." Fynn spoke slowly and carefully. "You know Piper?" He asked me. 

"Uh...yeah..only for like, two days though." I felt my eyes begin to burn, like I was about to cry.

"You should probably get to your dorm room. We have a few technicitlys to fix." Fynn walked swiftly to the other side of the hall where a large group of people were checking a large panel full opf switches that was on the wall. 

Must be checking the secerity camreas, on that thought I looked up at the cat-walk, half expecting the people dressed in black to still be there.

 On my walk to the dorm room, I suddenly realized the danger of everything that had happened to me. This whole time I was here, I had barely even questioned the fact that there was an agent base in my own town, or that of all people, they chose me to be part of their Nothing program. 

Piper's glazed eyes and pale face haunted my vision and the fact that she had gotten shot seemed unreal. Who were the people dressed in black? Why did they shoot only Piper? How did they get into a high secerity building without alreting anbody? Questions flooded my mind as I silently grieved the possible loss of a possible friend.

I headed over to my dorm and lazily scanned my card. It didn't click. After swiping it again and recieving the same results, I pounded on the door. Reed answered it.

"Dude, get in here!"

I hurried in.

"What happened man?" Reed asked.

"Well..uh..." I didn't know how to explain.

"I heard that some one got shot in the lunch room! Is it true? Were you in there? I heard some on got shot!" Reed repeated himself.

"Is that what you heard?" I asked blankly. I silently decided that I didn't want to talk about it as I climbed up onto my army like bunk bed.

Reed tapped my shoulder. "Seriously, what happened?" He looked up at me with those big, puppy-dog eyes.

I sighed, one of those really loud, breathy sighs. "Someone got shot in the L. Hall... and..." I started choking on my words without meaning to.

"And? Who was it?" Reed said impatiently.

"Piper." I looked away from Reed. It was bad enough to cry about it by myself, but in front of others was just weird. Besides, Reed might shrug it off and not even know who Piper is (or was...), but I guess she had a pretty big impact on everyone here, because Reed got a shocked look on his face then turned away from me.

"We should... comfort Chase," Reed managed. His grip on the side of my bunk bed tightened so that his knuckled turned completly white.

Chase? I had completely forgotten about him, and I guessed he already knew. I followed Reed out of the doors. I had never seen so many solemn faces. People had already started taking flowers to the hospital wing and carrying cards in their back pockets. When we finally got to Chase's room, Reed knocked and the door was opened by a dude with shortish black hair and large nerdy glasses.

"Is Chase here?" I inquired.

"Yes," the dude responded. I walked into the dorm which looked alot like Reed and mine's just cleaner. Chase was sitting on the top bunk with his back to the wall.

"Hey," I said awkwardly.

"Hey," Chase responded. There was a long uncomfortable silence as I stared at Chase and he stared at 'the nothing' on the wall opposite. I knew what to do, but was I willing? I shrugged as if having a conversation with myself. Yup. I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my tablet. I reluctantly handed it up to Chase. I expected him to say that I really wasn't aloud to have the kind of stuff there, but instead he said: "Thanks man."

I felt better.

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