Chapter 7 Miss Simone

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HEY. Chapter 7 is OOOUUUUTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait to see what you think!!!!  -Your Faithful Writers -Steve~Lewis- 


A few days after I had talked to Chase, a meeting was called and all the agents in my corridor were summoned.

"Piper is gonna die." A lanky dude with messy blonde hair and wearing the formal agent uniform informed us, I instantly regonized him as Fynn, the paramedic. 

"How do you know, Fynn?" Reed asked the blonde haired guy. Reed stepped up to Fynn, but Fynn was still a couple inches taller.

"Because, Reed... And everyone, I am part of the medics team so I know that bullet didn't hit her shoulder,"

A sinking suspicion flooded over me. "Then were did it hit?" Gulped a boy standing next to me, echoing my exact thoughts.

Fynn shook his head. "Pretty close to her heart. That's all I can say." Suddenly all the boys started yelling and talking at once. I could barely hear myself think.

"Hey!" A female voice behind us yelled. "Settle down, and stand in a line from shortest to tallest!" We all started scrambling around the hallway until we were standing in a line from the tallest boy, who was Fynn, and down to the shortest boy, a kid named Brian.

"That's enough of all this nonsense!" A breathtaking, curvy, red haired lady emerged from a small cloud of body guards. "No one is dying for sure yet, and especially not one of my best agents." The woman paced up and down our line in her black leather pants and red blouse. I think I heard one of the boys whistle, but he got cut off by the woman's glare.

"But, miss Simone!" Fynn said nervously. "The bullet almost hit her heart!"

Miss Simone stopped pacing and walked over to stare him in the eye.

"Why don't you let the council worry about it and shut that smart mouth of yours?" her voice dripping in fake sweetness.

"Yes Miss Simone," Sweat droplets beaded on his forehead.

"Any-who, back to business, everyone! This won't stop you from working! Hop to it, now!" Simone walked back into her cloud of body guards and they all shuffled out of sight.

"Ain't she a work of art." One of the boys mumbled as we all got back to work. Undoubtedly the same one who whistled.

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