Chapter 22 The Fury of Miss Simone

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Sorry it tooke so long! Here's Chapter 22!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your holidays!!!! Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis-


I walked back to my dorm room in a trance. Was I really such a loser that everybody felt the need to tell me all the time?

When I finally got to my dorm room, I was completely ready for my mission and was trying to get some sleep, even though it was only seven thirty p.m.

 "DUDE," Reed tried to pry me out of my bed with no such luck. "Stop being a bum and play video games with me or something!" He managed to yank my pillow away from me and began to repeatidly wack me with it.

 "Ahhhhh! Leave me alone Reed!" I stuffed my face underneath my blanket.

 "You're lame, Mark." Reed gave up and threw the pillow back on my bed. I heard heavy footsteps as Reed sauntered out of the room and then a loud door slam that rattled the frame of our bunk.

 I sat in silence for about an hour, just thinking about everything that could (and would) go wrong on my upcoming mission that was seeming more and more like a death sentence by the second. My stomach felt like there were little jumping beans having a dance party inside. Sweat droplets dribbled from my forehead to my neck. I hoped that the people I had talked to for advice had been exaggerating about how dangerous these missions could get.Finally I drifted off to sleep and slumbered heavily for about seven hours or so before opening my eyes at 2:00 a.m. and finding that the lights were still on in my room.

 "Reed, what are you doing?" I called to Reed, my voice sounded like an old mans. There was no reply from Reed, so I figured he wasn't in the room.

"Reed what the heck are you even doing out of our room at two in the morning?" I sighed and got up. Peering over Reed's bunk, I saw that his bed was still not made, but it looked exactly like it had before. The room showed no sign of change. He must have not been in here since he left. So I opened the door and glanced out into the corridor. The hall was completely still.

 "Hello...?" I called stupidly into the empty hallway. My voice echoed down the hall in a creepy way. I decided to look for my missing dorm mate. I shuffled down the hall in my grey sweat pants and large navy sweatshirt. Soon I was lost and stood in an intersection between four hallways.

 "Anyone want to help me?" I asked no one in particular. Then I went down the hallway before me and walked up to the first door in the left. It was plain white just like the rest, but this one had a silver handle with padlock beside it. This padlock was different though. It looked as if it actually worked. I was staring at it intently when the door burst open and the smell of perfume wafted out and almost killed me. I looked up as quickly as I could and squinted at the cloud of steam as it cleared up. Suddenly, I found myself nose to nose with Miss Simone, one of the agency's representatives on the board. She was wearing a Black, silk bathrobe and her red curly hair hung down her back in damp curls.

 "Mark," Miss Simone said sternly. She looked down at me through her terrifying green eyes.

"Yes, Miss Simone," I had met this woman once before, but I had seen her several times. I saluted her and straightened my back out of instinct.

 "Why aren't you at the party?" asked Miss Simone, giving me a hard stare.

 "What party...I don't know...I was just down this hall looking for...I mean....Merp," I tried to explain, but the more I tried, the more it sounded like I was waiting in this hallway for a glimpse of Miss Simone directly out of the shower. This was bad. 

She looked at me with disgust. "You're either drugged up on sugar or a disgusting little pervert!" She gave me another look that I was pretty sure meant: probably the second, the little freak...

Miss Simone dragged me down the hall and brought me to another door with blaring music coming from it. Miss opened the door and led me into the room. I soon saw Reed on a stage with crazy, colored lights shining in his face and sweat pouring down his neck and shirt. He was sitting behind a table, guzzling those same little wax pop bottles which we woke in that morning. I wondered if he had an addiction to those. 

There was another guy beside him who was even bigger, but less sweaty, doing the same. They appeared to be in a contest for the crowd gathered around the stage was chanting "Chug, chug, chug, chug!" 

We marched up and stood in the crowd on the left side (Reed's side) of the platform. Soon the larger guy started shaking as he lifted his one millionth bottle to his mouth and he let out a large belch before passing out across the table. There was loud cheering and the crowd slowly congratulated Reed and then crossed the room to where there was a DJ and dance floor. Miss Simone marched me up to Reed and stated: "I believe this is yours. Take care of him." 

Reed squinted at me and began to laugh histericly. "Yes! He's mine! I lost him, the little bogger!" Reed grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the table next to him. "You should get a reward or something!" Reed slapped Miss Simone's back and his intense laughing became intense sobbing. 

"If I only had some money!" He grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her feircly, but quickly stopped. "Hmm..." Reed looked at the shocked face of Miss Simone with a sudden dreamyness.

 I was suprisingly enjoying this! I didn't know if I was mad at Reed or anything, but I had a feeling that Reed deserved what he got.

"Are you an angle?" Reed didn't wait for Miss Simone to respond, and she didn't get a chance, because Reed grabbed her face and planted a big, wet, sticky kiss on her mouth.

Suddenly, the whole room seemed to quiet down and watch in terror as Miss Simone shoved Reed away from her, her eyes bugging out of her head in complete shockand anger and she looked like she was about to puke. I held my breath and waited for Miss Simone to scream at him or something, and I was not dissapointed.

Reed yelped with suprise after Miss Simone drew back her hand and whipped it across his face, leaving a nasty red mark, then she kicked his legs out from under him so he fell face first on the ground. She then procceded to sit down on Reed's back, grab his right arm and twisted it painfully behind his back. She got up, wipped her hands and helped Reed stand as groaned in pain,, and kicked him squarely inbetween the legs. Reed screamed in pain as he fell to the ground and rolled around in the fetal possision. I stared with my mouth open at Miss Simone as she walked out of the room. Remind me never to get on her bad side....

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