Chapter 39

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        HELLO! Welcome, readers, friends, Mark Brenner fangirls (yes, we know you're out there) and the rest of you. Here's the NEWEST installment of our ongoing story: Covered Correspondence! I hope ya'll enjoy!!!

                                                                        ~Your Faithful writers, Lewis and Steve


        I casually stuffed all my things into a plasticy suitecase that the base had "given" me. I say "given" because (for some reason, unknown by me) they wanted it back. All the time, I couldn't help thinking about the men in the black suits, Theordor's warning and our leads. I stepped back to admire my travel bag. It looked like a messy taco.

        "Mark, you're suit case looks like a messy taco," Piper stated, entering my room.

        "Oh, this isn't mine...this is...Chase's. I was about to fix it up for him and...." I mumbled, stepping back.

        "No," Piper smiled. "This is Chase's." She held up a nice, new back pack with the agency's trademark on it.

        "Well- so has the helicopter been secured?" I asked, changing the subject. Where did Chase get that? And WHY do I always end up with the cruddy gear while he gets the new stuff!?!?

        "You mean, so we won't all pass out--," Piper started.

        "And have to rely on YOU to save our lives? Yeah, that was bad! I had everything checked over," Chase said, entering.

        I wanted to hit him with my back pack. I had landed the helicopter when he was in unicorn land having tea with leprechauns!!! If anyone should get a new back pack, it was me! We stared each other down for a moment...or, at least, I stared up at him, but I knew he was feeling the "Brenner Burn."

        "Alright, enough chatting, ladies," Piper said, hoisting her own suit case ove her shoulder and haning Chase's to him.

        "Here, I can get your's," Chase voluntered.

        "Thanks," Piper smiled, side hugging him. Then she left the room.

        "Hey, Chase with a Chance, can you hold my bag?" I asked, longing to get rid of that burrito gone bad. Chase stepped forward, and ruffled the crap out of my hair with his fist before exiting the room.

        "Thanks," I said sarcastically.

        "Oh, Mark!" I glanced up to see Piper re-entering. She handed me the little USB. "I was talking to the angency yesterday and they said that this is yours. It was given to you."

        I just stared at it in my hand in silence. Then I looked back up at Piper who was eyeing my hair. I quickly ran my hand through it, but it was too late. We headed out to the helipad where there was a group of  "nurses" standing to wave us off. I eyed them suspiciously and pulled my bag closer.

        "See ya, Chase with a Chance!" said one of the nurses, laughing.

        "Yeah, by Derick!" Chase waved.

        "Next time, I'll beat you!" the nurse "Derick" stated.

        "We'll see," Chase said.

        "I don't know, man, Chase it pretty undefeated in the agency's poker club," Piper added.

        Poker? What in Twyalla Zone 6 happened? All the nurses slapped Chase on the back has he hopped into the helicopter. I stepped up last.

        "It was nice to meet you, Mike," said Theodore, clapping me on the shoulder.

        My back went stiff and my jaw, rigid. "Nice to meet you too, sir." I said, turning around.

        SPLISH. I blinked water out of my eyes. SPLISH. SPLISH. Theodore had a window cleaner bottle and was squirting me in the face. I quickly leapt into the helicopter and found my spot in the back: the lonely chair. After wiping my face off, I pulled out the helicopter's computer (yes, the helicopter had its own laptop). I quickly loaded up the USB again and skimmed over the files.

        "Pie?" Fynn asked. 

        "Eh," I thought for a second about my Grandma Piper and Baby Chelsea dream. Then shrugged: "Hand it over."

        "Your turn, Fynn," Chase announced from the front of the helicopter.

        "Alrighty," Fynn agreed, handing me the whole pie. He then switched places with Chase who came back and sat beside Piper. "Dude, where did you get that bag?" he asked me.

        "Oh, the base, 'compliments of Theodore,'" I explained, lifting GOOD food into my mouth.

        "Man, he must really trust you. I mean, he gave you the USB AND his lucky cat carrier," Chase smirked.

        I laughed uncomfortably. "Heh heh....yeah."

        "So, Thelma-the woman in Ohio- has a work shop in Toledo," Piper said, breaking into the discussion. "This is where I'm planning on going first. What do you two think?"

        "Sounds good," Chase nodded.

        "But..." I started and then paused. Both Piper and Chase watched me intently.

        "Yeah?" Piper urged.

        "Well," I gathered my un-organized thoughts. "Shouldn't we check if she had any like mad-scientist buddies or whatever they're called in tech-world?" A silence followed and then Piper began madly typing on her computer.

        "You're a genius, Mark," Piper said.

        I smirked up at Chase. He gave me a sarcastic smile. "Genius," I mouthed, pointing to myself.

        "Alright, so she had one partner Mike Brenner," Piper stated.

        " is...ah...he still living?" I asked as an awakward silence fell upon us. Piper and Chase stared at me expectantly.

        "Is that supposed to mean anything to me? I can't be a genius all the time, guys, you have to do some thinking too," I said, leaning back.

        "Mike Brenner, Mark," Chase repeated.

        "Yeeaaahhhh?" I asked.

        "Like your DAD: Mike Brenner!" Piper exclaimed.

        "My dad's name isn't's........" I blanked. What was my Dad's name? I had always just called him: "Dad."

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