Chapter 38

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Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, guys! I had this chapter all typed out last night, but I forgot to publish it! Sorry, I was distracted! -your faithful writers-Lewis~Steve-


"We got more info about the C.C." Chase picked at a crusty, dried on bit of food that was stuck to one of the tables in the cafeteria. Our group had quickly learned  that this base wasn't nearly as nice as the main base. The building was run down and there was very few staff that actually did work, so the facility seemed to be covered with a layer of dirt.

"Apparently the C.C. had been uncovered in a small town in Ohio for a few years by some lady named Thelma," Chase put his elbows up on the table and put his fingertips together. "But she died shortly after-and apparently so did all her research. There's basically no evidence that she even existed besides a small research paper written by a former Imuy Incorporated employee who used to work with Theodore."

Fynn sighed and put his head on the table. "And after that, the C.C. completely disappeared from the earth. And that was officially the last time anyone had tabs on it." 

Piper stroked her chin and looked down at her plate. She hadn't touched her food, and neither had anyone else. There had been one choice for breakfast, and it was supposed to be oatmeal. I looked down at my plate as well and observed the gray, slimy mass. The coffee hadn't been any better either.

"Well," Piper started. "At least we have another lead. We'll go down to Ohio and do some digging." She stood up and brushed some dust off of her polkadotted pajama shorts.

"I wish we had gone out for breakfast with Barbie and Ken," Fynn stretched his arms over his head. "I'm afraid that if I eat this stuff I might die..." He gave his glob of oatmeal an evil glare.

"Get packing guys," Piper used her mom voice, and the three of us( Chase, Fynn and me) quickly stood up. "Chase, check the Helicopter,"

Chase started walking out of the cafeteria.

"When do we leave?" Fynn asked.

Piper glanced over at him and scratched her chin. "Yesterday,"

I had the feeling that also meant 'Now! Get moving, brats!' So I hurried back to my room to pack. There was no logic in getting on Piper's bad side. EVER. 

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