The End

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"MARK!" Voices blurred in my head and my eye sight was completely shot (no pun intended). All I could see were shapes. My head pulsed. A bright light flashed in my vision. I stumbled backward, unable to think or talk.

"MARK!" I heard...Piper's voice? Yes...Piper...I kept...spacing out...and...what was I telling you about? Oh yeah...Piper...Piper...

A kid who looked vaguely familiar (I want to call him Chase, but I didn't know why) lowered me to the floor. I pulled away from him, mumbling something like: "I'm fiiiiinneee," but it had this weird drawl and my tongue felt super heavy. As soon as the kid let go, I slid down the wall behind me and sat on the floor. The effort hurt, but I couldn't tell you where. All I knew was that it was exceedingly hot in there. Sweat beaded on my forehead and hung on me like a heavy, leather coat in the middle of July.

That kid knelt on my right side and the other one--the girl--what was her name? It infuriated me that I couldn't remember them. I felt like it was really important that I get up, but I was stuck. It's like when your alarm goes off at six thirty and you're so comfortable and warm, snuggled in those blankets that you can hardly drag yourself out of bed (maybe minus the "comfortable" part).

Anyway, the girl knelt on my left. "Mark! Chase! We can't lose Mark!

The kid on my right nodded, searching the girl's eyes and then mine as if waiting for me to respond. Who were they talking about?

"We can't!" the girl repeated.

"Well then," I blubbered, "by all means, go get this Mark guy." I figured this kid must be pretty clueless to get lost when two people were looking out for him...or maybe they were just really bad babysitters...I made a personal note never to let them take care of me.

"Oh, Mark," the girl cried, leaning foreword and wrapping me in a hug. Pain surged in me, causing intense nausea. I held in the feeling that I was going to barf until she pulled away.

"Come on, guys, go get Mike," I insisted, tripping and sputtering over my words, "Before he gets captured by aliens or something."

"Ha!" my attention was drawn to another guy. He was standing about five feet away, holding something familiar. "You know," he continued--a little too villainously for my taste, "How long I've been waiting to do that? I mean, FINALLY!"

The girl sprung up from her position. She moved too fast for my slow mind to process, launching herself at the villainous guy. "YOU JERK!" She was so enraged that I was glad had nothing to do with the issue.

"Piper!" the kid on my left exclaimed, "PIPER, NO!" He jumped toward the others. Piper received a wack in the face with that thing the "jerk" was holding and crumpled to the floor.

My instincts tingled. I felt like I needed to jump up and knock someone down, but I still couldn't move!

The three others got in a battle, but my vision was quickly fading...and fading...and failing...


Wow, this is SUPER late, but thanks for tuning back in to an old, unfinished favorite! Your support is still really needed! We, Lewis and Steve, have been a little busy lately, but promise to return. Lewis is hoping to update all his books within the next week. MAKE SURE YOU COMMENT AND TELL US WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF THIS PARTICULAR CHAPTER! We will dedicate the next chapter to the first commenter!!!

Your faithful writers, Lewis and Steve

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