Chapter 15 Rules are Rules

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Hello and happy HALLOWEEN!!!!!! BAWHAWHAWHAW!!!!!! Halloween is like, my favorite holiday because you get to dress up like some random person or thing and you get free candy. WHATS BETTER THAN THAT?!?!??!?!?! Plus, I going as a student from Hogwarts, Gryffindor house!! (-Steve) Anyways, hope you like this chapter!!!! It's pretty short, but hey, the short ones are usally gold! -Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis- 


It was about four when we reached the agency again and I was feeling a little tired and stressed. I headed to my and Reed's dorm. After having to knock a million times until Reed let me in because my card wouldn't work, I entered the room.

 "Welcome back, dude! You took quite a hit back there in the arena," Reed pounded me in the back.

 "Thanks," I said with a side of tiredness. The truth was, I hardly even felt the pain in my leg anymore. My whole body seemed numbed and my mind blank after talking with Phil.

 "I heard that your knee was clear on the other side of where it should be," Reed exclaimed almost proudly.

 "So I didn't break my leg?" I asked.

 "Na, you just knocked your knee out and got a pretty good bruise on your shin," Reed explained. "I heard you did awesome on the test though." He seemed relatively happy for me. The other half came from the irritation of losing his bet to Gibson that I heard about from some of the other agents while I had walked up to our dorm

 "Yeah, I guess so," I admitted and hopped onto my bunk.

 "How was lunch?" inquired Reed, apparently not getting the hint that I really didn't want to talk about it.

 "Okay, I ah..." there was nothing urging me to tell Reed about my discussion with Philmore.

 "I wish I could have gone, but rules are rules," Reed went about his business, but his words had gotten my attention; 'rules are rules'. What rules? I was about to ask when I fell asleep. 

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