Chapter 36

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TWO UPDATES- Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis-


"They recalled the mission?" My voice sounded like a disappointed toddler's.
Piper shrugged. "It turned out to be a bigger deal than the agency thought. They found some information about the hacker, and it turns out," Piper paused and glanced at Fynn and Chase who were sitting on the couch, looking very melancholy.

"They're way more dangerous than the agency thought. They need so send in their more experienced agents."

"Who are probably adults." Fynn added. "They don't usually send kids like us to do their dirty work." His face contorted into a scowl.

This was news to me. "Wait a second here..." I frowned, "so because I'm a rookie without experience they send me on their most easy mission...with people to look after me?!" I made my hands into fists. This was humiliating!

"It's not like that, Mark! We were just observing you! On your first mission! It's part of the training program." Piper looked truly sorry. "We know you don't need a baby sitter, and we aren't, more like we're just here to supervise! Make sure nothing goes against plan!"
I sighed and sat down on a computer chair. "Okay, whatever." I could never hold grudges. I ran my fingers through my hair. "But before we go back to base, let's find out what's on this USB."
Piper stared at me weirdly. "USB? What USB?"
I held up the small plastic stick that Theodore had forced into my hand.
"Where the heck did you get that?" Chase frowned and stepped up from the couch.
"Theodore gave this to me," I explained.
"What?!" Fynn stood up from the couch as well. "He wouldn't talk to any of US?!"
"He said I was TRUSTWORTHY." I said smugly.
"Guys, lets just see what's on it," Piper interrupted. "We don't have a lot of time since we're leaving for base tomorrow." The rest of us agreed, and Piper turned on the computer that was in the room.
"What would even be on this thing?" I rolled it around in my fingers. "Maybe you should put it in the USB port so we can find out." Chase rolled his eyes and I rolled mine back at him.
"Okay, here goes..." I slipped the USB stick in and held my breath when suddenly the screen began to flicker and turned completely black.
"Uh-oh..." Piper frowned as she stared at the screen. "Maybe this was just a glitch-prank he wanted to pull." She sighed when suddenly the screen began to flicker again to show a word file:

Imuy Incorporated
The world’s helping hand

Imuy incorporated is the world’s biggest chemical and computer producer! We work hard every day so that you and your family can have soap, bug spray, TVs, clothes detergent, computers, and much much more!

“Imuy Incorporated always have high quality products that work efficiently! I have to say, I was surprised and impressed the first time I used one!”
– Cathleen Van Hubert, restaurant owner. 

“The world is non-stop progressing, and with that kind of progression, we need good quality and efficient products to move us along. That’s why my company only uses Imuy.”
- Gary Tenner, commercial business owner.

Call 493-Imuy-inc for any complaints, suggestions or comments you have with our work! Our phones are open from 7:30AM-9:15PM Monday-Friday, and we are happy to answer any questions you have! 

I frowned at the screen. Imuy Inc.? What the heck is that? Apparently the rest of the gang was thinking the same thing because they all had confused expressions.
"What the heck is Imuy Incorporated?" Fynn scratched his head.
"I don't know...but there's another file." Piper clicked on the next file:

Imuy Incorporated labs
Poison Labs: Basement level

Product Title: Delta Sleepwave

Product Number: KK-203-G

Product Type: Poison

Product Forms: Liquid/Gas

Product Creator: Imuy Incorporated Labs

Product Tested by: NOT TESTED, PROTOTYPE.


*Imuy Incorporated is not responsible for any deaths and maladies made by this product. Use at your own risk.

Chase gasped. "This could be confidential information!" He looked really excited. "Piper, look! There's another file!" Piper clicked on the last word file:

Imuy Incorporated


Security Control: USA base

Item of Objective: Covered Correspondence

Item of Objective Information:
The Covered Correspondence (AKA: C.C., The Code, Covered Code.) was created by former Imuy Incorporated employee: Theodore Henry Smith in 1977. Theodore is also the successful creator of three well known video games, Zombie Tribe Three Online, Super Titanic Snowman Race World Cup, and Power of the Skull Five. Theodore claims that he made the C.C. by mistake when he was trying to convert one of Imuy Inc.’s fourth generation computers into a portable, electronic brief case that would protect his files. Shortly after he made it though, he discovered that the C.C. was extremely powerful with its ability to hack into any high security hard drive or computer within a 20 mile radius. The C.C. also contains every government file known to mankind, which explains the second part of its name, Correspondence. Theodore quickly hid it from the public’s eyes before it could gain any publicity, but not before Imuy Inc.’s officials heard about this legendary piece of technology. Imuy quickly tried to find the C.C. or at least Theodore, but it he had disappeared along with the C.C., and the only thing he left was his two children, Ken and Barbie who were interrogated but knew nothing about their father’s whereabouts and were put in foster care. The C.C. remained hidden for twenty years until Theodore came out of hiding. Sadly, Theodore somehow became insane over the years and refused to tell anyone where he had been hiding all those years. The only chance of relocating the C.C. or even possibly replicating it would be to decipher the only file Theodore left behind before his mysterious disappearance, which is written in a code that has no known means of identification and could just be random gibberish that Theodore Smith had made to throw people off. The way we know that this file will help us find or replicate the C.C. is by the title, The Code of the Covered Correspondence. The title is not in code. 

This article was written by Wendy Mason, an Imuy Inc. employee.

We all sat in silence as we read until Fynn spoke up. "This is information about...the C.C." he stated blankly.
"We noticed," Piper said grimly. She quickly extracted the USB and turned of the computer.
"Am I the only confused one?!" I exclaimed. I had remembered Chelsea mentioning something about the C.C. a while ago, bug she never got into the details.
"Theodore is the creator..." Fynn slowly shook his head. "After all this time! And some random company finds out first?"
"I don't think this company is as random as we think," Chase stroked his chin. "They could be looking for the C.C, but instead of destroying it...they want to use it."
Piper stared grimly at her communicator. "I know, and the agency is going to need every man on the field wether they like it or not. This is war."

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