Chapter 11 A.C.T (Part 3)

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Part 3! Enjoy every one! . Your Faithful writers-Steve~Lewis-



"You’re alive" I yelled even though I knew she couldn't hear me. I felt a smile creep over my face, and I couldn't wipe it off.

Piper waved to me and hugged Chase, who was smiling even bigger than I was. She looked healthy; you would never even think she was ever near death.

I turned my attention back to the jump. I COULD DO THIS. A brand-new surge of confidence flowed through my veins.

I ran towards the edge. In a mad leap that still makes me cringe to this day, I jumped off the platform and plummeted a good ONE HUNDRED FEET, well maybe it was only like fifteen or so. I struck the landing, but I didn't have time to bask in my glory because my right leg gave way from all the pain flowing through my knee.

"Cheese nuggets!" I gasped as my vision blurred black and red.

I soon collapsed onto the plastic covered, foam floor. I looked up at the crowd, knowing I probably had ruined my and Chelsea's hopes and would be the laughing stock of many a joke.

I saw Piper and Chase. Piper squeezed his arm and Chase gave her the cheesiest grin I'd ever seen a person have (and that's saying something since I've lived with two guys my whole life...not that I had one back then)! Chase patted her back affectionately and then looked over at me. They both glanced over at the same time ,really. It would have been creepy in different circumstances, but I could hardly see with the pain increasing like it was.

Piper looked concerned and Chase had an unreadable expression that looked suspiciously like he was trying not to smile. Piper pulled away from Chase's arm and said something before leaving their chairs and making her way to the arena gate. She pushed through people, opened the gate and entered the arena.

My vision blurred.

Come faster! I wanted to yell to Piper. I could feel myself about to pass out.

"Mark, you did great!" Piper leaned down and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, the medic team is on their way to take you to the hospital wing." She said like she had read my mind.

     "Piper," I tried to sound all struggled and in pain, though it really wasn't that hard.

     "Yes," Piper looked at me expectantly. There was a shaky sound in her voice. I could hear Gibson's voice booming around the arena telling everyone that they would resume the A.C.T as soon as the medic team got me out of the arena

     "Come closer. There is something I must tell you," I continued my act.

     "Um...Okay?" Piper frowned. I saw the concern in her eyes and almost chickened out, but no, it was all too perfect. "I left a very important document that will inform you of life changing information..." I paused for dramatic effect.

"Mark, what are you talking about?" Piper's concern vanished almost instantly.

     "In...In...In...In..." I stopped and let my head hit the floor again.

     "Oh come on, Mark!" Piper rolled her eyes.

     "In my underwear compartment..." I finished. Then I went from comfortable on Piper's lap to uncomfortable on the floor with a loud cracking noise.

"Ow." I groaned, and suddenly realized how dumb my idea was.

     "Mark! You little..." I heard Piper yell and then, before hearing language more colorful than an Irish rainbow, I blanked out.

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