Chapter 26 Chelsea Tries to Kill Me

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"To the garage!" Fynn said as the elevator closed it's doors on us.

 "Yeah, come on crazy boy," Chase joked. 

"Oh be quiet!" Fynn grumbled. 

"So that's the cute nurse you stayed on the field for?" I asked, referring to the girl. 

"Yeah, her name's Maria Limbaugh. I think she likes me," Fynn sighed. 

"Well I think you're thinking in the right direction," I laughed. 

"The thing about Maria is that she isn't too clingy. She has her own life and dreams so I know that she had her space and I have mine." Fynn said. 

"Cool...umm...why are we in the garage and not at the heli-pad?" I inquired. 

"The helicopter we need is at a different building, so we have to drive there," Piper walked out of the elevator as soon as it opened. 

"Yup," Fynn pulled out a single car key and unlocked a grey Pontiac. "This helicopter  will take us back to the beginning,"  

"Where's the beginning?" I solicited as we all slid into the car, and Fynn drove us out of the building.

"Jackson Michigan," Fynn answered. 

"Why is the beginning in Michigan?" I asked. As far as I knew, nothing notable ever happened in Michigan besides football games. 

"The creator of Zombie Tribe 3, lived in Michigan. He has an office building he bought with the fortune he made.," Fynn explained. I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings, so I didn't notice we had stopped at the foot of a large building until Chase nudged me hard in the ribs with his elbow.

"Neat," I answered, as we got out of the cramped car. Just then, I heard the running of feet coming from behind me. I turned around and met Chelsea in a full on hug attack. 

"I am going to miss you!" Chelsea exclaimed. She was squeezing my soul out through my skin! I looked to Fynn for assistance, but I he was too busy laughing and pulling out his phone. 

"No, no, no! No pictures!" I croaked. My lungs were running out of oxygen. Chelsea stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek. "Go get my zombie money back agent boy, and kick those robbers' butts!" She then walked off as if nothing in the world had happened. 

"Love Chelsea," Fynn stated as she disappeared behind a building. "And this video." Fynn laughed as he watched it again.  

"Yeah." I coughed and greedily gasped for air. 

"We better get to the helipad." Chase suggested, we began the long trek to the top of the building. 

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