Chapter 28 The Dream

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This is kind of a creepy and demented chapter, but deal with it. -Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis-


I dreamed I had to kill either an old lady version of Piper or a baby version of Chelsea.

Okay, let me explain. I had fallen asleep on the helicopter after eating two slices of cheesecake, and I had the craziest dream. That's the last time I ever ate cheesecake (before I go to sleep, that is). My dream went like this:

I was driving on an old dirt road in a crappy truck.

I wasn't quite sure where I was going, but it was important that I got there on time. After a while, I ran out of gas, and had to stop at this old farm, it had an old farm house and a barn that was run down and the red paint was peeling.

I walked up to it and opened up the barn door. It was really heavy. I peeked inside and saw a bunch or little eyes staring up at me and I started to panic because I couldn't see the bodies, so I turned on the lights, by pulling on this heavy cord that made a 'ding-dong' noise when I yanked it down. When the lights came on, I saw that the eyes belonged to a bunch of cats. And I'm not talking about, maybe ten or eleven cats; I'm talking about hundreds and hundreds of cats. There were so many cats I couldn't see the barn floor.

I started walking to the farm house, because I was pretty sure I wouldn't have any luck getting help from a bunch of cats. 

before I could even  knock on the farm house door, and it burst open so fast, that the door flew of its hinges and into the corn field next to the house. Thankfully my dream-self has good reflexes and doged the flying door.

So, I look up to see who opened the door, and there stands an old lady version of Piper, wearing a lima bean green apron over a blue and white checkered dress. The old lady version of Piper looked nothing like the real Piper though, because she had this brittle dry hair that was yellowing at the roots, and wrinkled hands that were covered with liver spots. Her eyes weren't blue and sparkling, they were grey and misty, like she was blind. I don't know how I knew it was Piper.

"Mark! What a pleasant surprise!" Old Lady Piper crowed and ushered me inside against my will. I think I would have had better luck with the cats, I thought.


 "Chelsea and I have made you a wonderful welcoming feast!" She forced me to sit down on an old wood chair that fell apart when I put my weight on it. Old Lady Piper set down a pot of steaming something on the table, and the table fell apart just like the chair I was sitting on.

Old Lady Piper left the room to get something, and I got off of the remains of my chair and made a mad dash for the door, when suddenly I heard a baby crying.

I couldn't help myself. I knew that I should run, and that this would be my only time to escape, but I turned around anyways, and saw a baby version of Chelsea laying in the brittle arms of Old Lady Piper. For the first time I noticed the yellow/green spots on their legs and arms.

"You're sick." I whispered.

"Ah, yes." Old Lady Piper said in a sad sing-song voice. "But you have brought the cure, yes?" I suddenly felt something in the pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out to reveal a little bottle full of blood red colored liquid.

"The cure!" Both Little Baby Chelsea and Old Lady Piper hissed.

"This won't cure you." I said. I don't know how I knew it. "This will kill you!"

"No, no!" Old Lady Piper screeched. "You must give it to one of us! It will only work for one!" She began to hobble towards me.

"Okay! I'll give it to one of you..." I studied them both. How could I choose? They may look different, but I knew they were really Piper and Chelsea inside. I wasn't going to kill either of them.

I threw the bottle to the open window behind Piper.

As it sailed over their heads, Little Baby Chelsea began to cry and scream, but Old Lady Piper stayed extremely calm, and caught the bottle in the air with a jump, showing exceptional strength and grace for a person of her age.

"H-how did you-?" I stammered.

"Reflexes." Old Lady Piper shrugged. And I woke up to the real Piper yelling.

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