Chapter 33

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Yay! It's an update! Enjoy it ya'll Sorry it took FOREVER - Steve~Lewis-Your Faithful Writers-


The three of us entered the next room and sat in hard chairs in front of Ken and Barbie's desk. The desk was split in half with neon orange duct tape, Barbie's side was bedazzled with fake gems and pink picture frames that had pictures of her and her friends in them, while Ken's side was mostly bare except for a box of tissues, a computer, pencil holder and calendar.

"So, we have come to gain information about the hacking in Zombie Tribe Three online," Piper announced again, this time she spoke confidently. 

"Okay, well what exactly is going on with it?" Barbie asked. She and Ken both has confused looks on their faces.

"All the money in everyone's accounts is gone, people's accounts are being deleted and hacked, and the game is glitching like crazy!" Piper exclaimed.

"Oh, I can assure you that nothing of the type has been reported," Barbie stated as she filed her nails with a sparkly pink nail filer.

"Well, reported or not, it's happening," I said, irritated.

"Bring up your account," Piper suggested.

"Okay," Barbie turned the computer screen towards us and clicked on the Zombie Tribe Three Online short cut option. It brought up the log in spot.

"Well, don't look!" Barbie exclaimed as I stared critically over her shoulder. I smirked and looked her in the the eyes: "Seriously?"

"Yes! If you knew my password, you could hack into my account and you strike me as the kind of guy who would do that!" Barbie explained.

"What?" I asked.

"Mark, just don't," Piper advised.

"Why? Oh, whatever!" I looked away. When I heard the clicking of the keys, I whirled around and got really close behind Barbie.

"There," Barbie stated. She turned around and we were basically nose to nose.

"Really? Crescentmoonargoth?" I gave her a look that said 'seriously'? Then the truth set in and I uttered the same words, but in a disgusted/ terrified/ angry voice.

"Really???? Crescentmoonargoth?" I backed off. "Like the Crescentmoonargoth one of the admins of the game?"

"Well, duh. My dad is the creator. Of course he would make Ken and me admins! But what's it to you? Oh!" realization spread over Barbie's face and she smiled smugly. "Oh, were you one of those little apprentices I crushed the guts out of?" she punched her hand and twisted her fist menacingly as she said 'crushed the guts out of'.

More like CRUSHED MY SOUL! I thought, but held my ground. "Killer9."

"Mammothkiller69," I was surprised to her Piper's voice.

"Ladies'MAN13," Fynn exclaimed.

I remember my brother's: Princesspea'schicken, but kept quiet about it.

"Starthvader," Ken said simply.

"Yourworstnightmare#1,"  Chase stated. "And on my other accounts, known as 'cominginhotter' or as the king of Marvelgyn 'Yessir.'"

The six of us nerds sized each other up. Out in public you would her recognize us for who we are: videogame addicts and cheats. Yup...I'm pretty sure Chase is a cheater.

"Keep telling yourself that, Mark," A voice that sounded like Piper's said in my mind.

"Telling myself what?" I replied silently to the voice which I assumed was my conscious.

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