Chapter 18 Chase Destroys, Chase Creates.

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We have nothing to say. Enjoy this chapter. -Your Faithful Writers-Steve~Lewis-


I kind of stared at my paper wondering if I was reading it wrong or something.

"Uh...Chelsea..." I finally managed to force sound out of my vocal cords.

"Yeah?" Chelsea beamed. I grimaced and prepared to face the wrath of Chelsea

"We've been accepted for different missions," I said hesitantly. I watched her out of the corner of my eye.

"How is that possible?" asked Chelsea. She took my page and compared it to hers. "Oh. I rememeber." She snapped her fingers.

"What?" I inquired, not sure if I really wanted to know.

"I applied for another mission about three months ago. It was delayed, but apparently they have decided to reinstate it and I got accepted," Chelsea explained disappointedly.

"Oh." I wasn't quite sure what to say. Just then my comunicator buzzed. A text from Piper blinked on my screen.

I've been accepted for the CAF mission!!!! SO EXICTED.

I shoved it back into my pocket. Piper could get accepted even after she had been shot, and Chelsea was denied for that mission. I didn't want to be around Chelsea when she found out. Also, I had heard that Chelsea and Piper had gotten into a huge catfight, and neither of them were to fond of each other anymore. I sighed. So much drama.

"What was that." Chelsea tried to get my Comunicator.

"NO!" I practicly screamed. I don't know why I completly had a freak out, it just happened or something. As Chelsea grabbed at my hand, I yanked my hand upwards and lost my grip on the comunicator so that it flew out of reach, and shattered the light bulb. The lights flickered out, so we stood there in darkness.

"You could have just said it was private." Chelsea sighed.

"It's private." I was sort of smiling now.

"Wow." Chelsea joked and we both walked out of the room.

"Uh, I have to go." I backed away from Chelsea and ran to Piper's dorm before she could say anything else.

I arived at Piper's dorm, and Chase was already there. He looked happier than I had ever seen him.

"Me and Piper got accepted for the same mission!" Chase leaned against the wall next to Piper's door. I stared at Chase, as what he said became clear.

I was going on a mission with Piper and Fynn.


I was going on a mission with Piper and Fynn and Chase.

As in, the most annoying guy who ever walked to face of the earth, Chase.

I laughed a laugh that made me sound like I needed to be in a mental hospital.

Just then, Piper walked out of her room wearing a flowy, black skater skirt, black flats with little bows on them, and a pink blouse. She looked like a 1920's carhop. 

"Hey guys!" she pulled Chase and me into a group hug. "We are all going to be in the same mission!" She smiled.

Suddenly Chase's bright smile faltered. "Heh-heh. What."

"Umm...Didn't Mark tell you he got accepted?" Piper asked.

"No!" Chase stamped his foot. "Why can't I ever escape this little creep!"

"Little creep?" I was offended, but Chase and Piper ignored me.

"Why are you so mean to him!" Piper fumed. "He did nothing to you! And besides, I think you're jelly!"

Chase's eyes grew so wide I thought they would shoot out of his face. "Jelly?!" Chase made his hands into fists. "I am so not jelly! Is it illegal to think someones annoying?!" 

"You know what? Cancel that date we had!" It was Piper's turn to stamp her foot. Chase left the hallway, and I could practicly see the steam coming out of his ears.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." Piper sighed. "Sometimes I think that Chase likes to fight with me! He gets angry over the most petty things..."

I kicked the ground. "Yeah well... I guess he's just stressed."

Piper nodded. " Yeah. This is his first mission in a long time!"

I suddenly remembered something I had been wanting to ask for a long time.

"How did Chase even get accepted? I mean, he failed his last ACT."  I scratched my neck.

"Well, Chase is a senior agent, so he's taken the ACT many times and he's always gotten good scores. The council just averages his previous test scores."  Piper and I stood there awkwardly for about twenty seconds.

"You want to come with me instead?" Piper asked.

I kind of just stared at her for a while. "Me?"

"Uh...yes? I don't want to waste a perfectly good reservation." Piper shrugged. "If Chase isn't going to come then you might as well." 

Like I would even say no. "Sure." 

And as we walked out of the building, all I could think was that although Chase destroys things,he is also very capable of making things better without even knowing it. 

No, thank YOU Mr. Chase, sir.

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