Chapter 12 Thank God for hospital gowns

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  • Dedicated to Micheal, for being a loser

Yes!!! Test results are in!! I don't think Mark is the only one who's nervous though... Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis-


When I woke up, I saw the hospital wing of agency. I had been there once before to visit Reed when he'd broken his wrist in combat. Fynn opened the white door to my room and entered.

I guess I forgot he was a part of the medics team so when he came in I said "What do you want?" in a rather irritated tone. Fynn turned around and seemed surprised to see me awake, but he quickly recovered himself.

"I'm you nurse."

     "What?" I asked. It was a little freaky to think that a kid around my age had been treating my wounds.

"I thought you decided you would steer more toward mechanics and drop the whole medical thing?"

     "I did, but-" Fynn started, then smirked.

This was an evil smirk that I knew all to well. You see, Fynn is a bit of a lady's man. He doesn't really seem like it at first, but once you know him like, a little over an hour, you totally see it. I'd seen him work his magic a couple times. As far as I was concerned, his work was perfection; especially since I had only ever taken a girl out for less than five minutes before she freaked out on me about being a creepy gamer guy with no life. I mean, can you say 'hurtful'?

     "I was about to completely resign, but one of the council members offered me a special deal to stay on as a fill in. I wasn't going to accept at first, but then I was looking over the year book of employees and there's this cute new girl that works here. Her name is Rachel Lawrenson and so I took the job," Fynn summed it up for me proudly.

     "Okay," I said. I got it, and I was about to say that no cute girl could ever convince me to work, but I remembered Piper, Chelsea and that annoyingly pretty girl named Helen from the fifth grade, not to mention a few others. When I looked back, I was a pushover to cute girls.

     "Oh and...ah," Fynn picked up a stack of papers and walked toward the door. He paused and looked at me. "Chelsea's out in the waiting room. As soon as she finds out that your awake, she'll be in here; permission or not. She would have come in while you were out, but we held her back."

     "Okay," I said, unsure of what to do, but I was grateful that Chelsea hadn't come into my room when I was out, Philmore filmed me when I was sleeping once and then showed me the tape when I woke up, lets just say that it wasn't pretty. 

As Fynn headed through the doorway, Chelsea shoved her way through. She hastened up to my hospital bed and gave me an uncomfortable hug.

     "Ahh," I winced. I had actually forgotten why I was in the hospital wing and now I felt my leg injury as pain seared up and down my knee cap.

     "Sorry, Mark," Chelsea smiled brightly, and her brown eyes shimmered in the hospital lighting. "Look, Mark, you did AMAZING..."

     I flushed a little. "Yeah well, I'm sure you did great too..." I felt a pang of guilt when I remembered that everyone else took theirs after first years on the same night, and that I had missed Chelsea's even though she had watched mine.

     "Forget me, you're going to get this mission in a heartbeat! In addition to that, Gibson really likes you! I'm not really supposed to say this, but he won twenty five bucks when you made the jump! Cool right? And then Reed-" Chelsea stopped mid-sentence and her bright smile vanished off her face like it was never there.

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