Chapter 16 Violent Violet

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This chapter is officaily published!!! YAY!!!!! I took us forever to get this part out, SO YOU BETTER ENJOY IT PUNKS. Just kidding, love you guys. -Your Faithful Writers-Steve~Lewis-


I had been lying on my bunk pretending to sleep for about an hour when a brisk knock sounded at the door. Reed opened it and I heard Chelsea's voice coming from the doorway: "Reed, where's Mark?"

"Get out of here Chelsea," Reed exclaimed, I could tell by his voice that he was giving her 'the Reed signature look'.

"Where is he?" asked Chelsea, irritated.

"He's his own person and is not at your every beck and call," Reed retorted. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell he had his hands on his hips.

"Okay, but WHERE is he?" Chelsea solicited.

"You 're not even supposed to be here!" Reed said forcefully.

"Look," Chelsea took a deep breath, she was obviously trying hard not to lose it.

"No, you look," Reed spat. The fight was getting louder and louder and I was considering getting up but that could end up ugly, maybe even fatal.

"Shut it! I just need to talk to him for a second!" Chelsea yelled and I heard her bang her fist on the wall. I was glad I wasn't Reed, because I would have been terrified of her! 

"Why would anyone want to talk to YOU!? You're so stupid and annoying Chelsea!" Reed exploded. I had to shove my blanket into my mouth to hide my gasp. Did he actually just say that? I'd never heard him so mad about anything before. I looked through the two bars on my bunk bed and saw Chelsea. Her face was all red and she looked really mad and then her whole face just collapsed. Hot tears beat down her cheeks, she pursed her lips and took a shaky breath as if to say something more, but quickly shook her head and left in a hurry.

Reed slammed the door but not before yelling after her.

"Good, go!" I just layed low in my bed until dinner time pretending that I was still asleep, but really thinking about everything that had happened over the last few months.

I walked to dinner alone and after getting my usual healthy pizza and cheese covered broccoli I saw Violet Darling sitting alone at one of the long, metallic tables. Normally, I would have avoided her, but instead I sat down across from her and began eating awkwardly. She didn't even look up from her food which was good with me because she would have absolutely died if she would have seen what I was wearing.

"Hey, Mark," Piper and Chase sat down at the table behind me. "Hey, Violet."

Violet looked pass me, and to Piper. She had deep brown eyes and long, straight, almost black, brown hair. She hardly ever wore her secret agent suit and that day was no exception. She wore a dark purple shirt with a shimmery, gold jacket and dark blue jeans topped with a gold belt. A thick, sparkly, gold headband adorned her head.

"Hello, Piper," Violet greeted solemnly.

"What's wrong?" Piper inquired.

"Chelsea...She got in an argument with Reed just because she wanted to talk to his roommate and made her really upset. It's been a hard year her with her family stuff and all. Well, Chelsea said that if she doesn't get this mission she's going for, she may leave the agency. She's sleeping right now. Better than crying though," Violet sighed. "Please don't tell anybody because it's a little personal,  but I had to tell some one because I thought I would explode! Chelsea has been my roommate since we both started."

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