Chapter 19 A Date with Piper

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 Hello!!!! For some reason, this chapter always makes me feel calm and happy. DON'T ASK ME WHY. But enjoy the chapter anyways.-Your Faithful Writers-Steve~Lewis- 


Piper and I walked to the parking lot in silence. We finally arrived at a black convertible, and I thought about asking Piper if I could drive, so after building up the courage, I asked.

"Can I drive?" I stared at the convertible in awe.

Piper laughed. "I thought you would ask. Go ahead. The keys are in the glove box." I jumped into the driver’s seat, pulled out the keys and revved the engine. Soon, both of us were speeding into the night.

"Just follow the GPS .It will take us to the place." Piper pointed to a built in GPS on the dash board.

"Okay." I looked over at her and couldn't notice how pretty she looked with the wind blowing her hair. She had a small smile on her lips as she looked off into the distance, as if recalling a fond memory.

I followed the GPS until we were in the international part of town. I drove us both to a small French restaurant with a balcony that hung over a lazy, clear river. Piper talked to a guy in French for a while. Sadly I had no idea what they were saying. 

"Bonsoir," Piper said to the man. "Nous avons des réserves."

The man looked at a piece of paper that Piper showed him, and motioned for us to follow him.

"De cette façon, s'il vous plaît." The man led us to a table on the balcony. It was all so perfect. It seemed a scene from a movie or book.

Little lanterns lit up the small balcony area, and soft music played in the background giving it a romantic feel. The smell of bread, cheese, and a bunch of spices I couldn't name wafted in the air. I looked up at the cloudless night sky to see if I could remember any of the constilations Dad had told me about, but I kept getting distracted by the violent purple/blue color of the sky and how bright the stars were that night. The moon looked like one of those cartoon moons with the purple sleeping cap and the big creepy eyes.

 The man came back after a while and asked us what we would like, in broken English. Piper ordered some fancy French dish that I couldn't pronounce, and I stuck to my favorite dish of all time: Spaghetti.

Piper looked at me weird and told me that I could eat spaghetti anywhere else and that I should order something unique, but I refused. My dad always made me spaghetti when I was feeling down. It was my comfort food.

"Merci. s'il vous plaît profiter de vos aliments." The man came from inside the building with our food, set steaming plates down and left.

"Mmm." Piper picked up her fork. "Looks good." We sat their in silence while we ate our food, listening to the trickiling sound of the river. I kept glancing over the balcony and kind of spyed on another couple sitting on the wooden deck/dock that was below the balcony Piper and I were on. I could hear their low murmurs of conversation, but I only caught snipets that didn't make any sense.  The girl had a short pixie cut and the guy had blonde curly hair. They were both smiling at eachother and the guy kept touching the girls face.

Finally, after we were done, the man came back for our dishes and the bill. I drove us back to the building and walked Piper back to her room.

"Piper." I asked her before she could go inside. It may have been a dumb question, but I had been wanting to ask this all night and I kind of wondered if it was different for a guy or a girl.

"Yes, Mark." Piper smiled weakly.

"What does it feel like to be in love?" as soon as I asked it I felt like slapping myself it sounded so dumb. For a few seconds I thought that Piper was going to laugh and slam the door in my face, but instead, she got a faraway look in her eyes and took me seriously. She looked devastated. It might have been just me, but it looked like Piper's eyes were misted over.

"I don't know." She finally said, and slammed the door, leaving me in the dark corridor. 

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