Chapter 2 I meet my new arch-nemesis

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  • Dedicated to EVERYBODY!!!!

Chapter two!!! Boo-yah!!!! So, just to let you know, that everything is kind of a mess. We'll probably get everything all set up and ready to go pretty soon (Okay, not pretty soon...maybe a month or more...) But, things have been added. (Paragraphs and maybe even chapters!) Story plots have been changed, and bad guys have been re-created. So yeah. Thanks for understanding. -Your faithful writers -Steve~Lewis-


 I stood there not knowing what just happened to me.

"Well, that was something. I think I got a chance," Philmore said when Piper left. I didn't really notice.

I wasn't sure what to do so at 1:30 p.m that day, so I headed to the address on the bottom of the card that Piper gave me.

After getting lost three times on the crazy back roads, I finally approached an old, brick, weather-beaten building with large, thin, broken, glass windows, which gasps of wind entered through. There was a massive, metal door for delivery trucks. I was surprised to actually see someone there, sitting on a lawn chair in the shadows so I couldn't make their face.

"You decide to show now?" A female voice came from the figure in the shadows, thick with an accent that sounded Korean.

"Good timing, Mark it is?" The woman stepped out to reveal herself: an Asian woman about 35 with waist length, black hair.

"Uh, yes." I felt like I had walked into a trap. I mean, come on, more random females?

"You may call me Yumi." The woman stepped closer. And any closer was too close. I wanted to ask if it was another correctional facility because Phil had gone to one once and just got weirder.

"Follow me," the woman opened a padlock beside the massive, black door and then punched in a combination. She punched in a bunch of numbers, then door talked. 


"Whelma's Crayon." Yumi smiled at me when I stared at her wierdly. What was going on?

 "Guest Username?" The door's monotone voice echoed down the alley. I secretly hoped someone was down there and would come over to see what the sound was. 

Yumi looked down at a piece of paper in her hand. "Killer9." Suddenly her voice seemed to echo more than anything else. 

"Hey!" My voice raised an octave in my sudden anger. "That's my username for Zombie Tribe Online 3!" I couldn't believe it! "You know how hard it is to get a good username!?!"

Yumi smiled at me and simply said: "vaguely." I tried my best to death stare her but its hard when she was smiling warmly at me. "Continue?" She asked.

"Yes." I grumbled. Call me gullible, but I wanted to find out about this place. The padlock opened and a giant metal door slowly rolled open.

I couldn't help it. "This is so dang cool why haven't I ever seen this outside of a video game?" I blurted. The scene before me was incredible. Imagine the most high-quality, high-tech awesome spy gear, and spy HQ, like EVER. Then multiply that, by like, five thousand billion. That's the scene I saw. So awesome it hurt my eyes. It was a large warehouse divided by ten foot tall metal cubicles. I saw Piper bending over something on a fold-able white table pushed up against the first wall of cubicles about one hundred yards away.

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