Chapter 24 I Smash Chase's Face into a Pulp

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So, here's Chapter 24. ENJOY IT. -Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis- 


I stared down at Reed who was now snoring gently with his face smooshed against the floor. There was a small puddle of drool coming from his open mouh.

"Are you kidding me!" I yelled. After pacing the room and trying several times to pick Reed up, I sat down on a random chair. As I sat, I kicked my feet backward and knocked part of the chair off. I looked down at the metal pole I had knocked off, bent down, picked it up and knew what I had to do to keep my sanity. I crossed the room, pole In hand, and began to swing at the larger paper mache Chase head. Even after I knocked it off the ceiling, I kicked and crunched it.

"Jerk!" I screamed at the mashed up face. The more I stared at it, the more it looked like it was mocking me, with it's smug grin and beady eyes, so I picked up the nearest juice container and chucked at the paper mache Chase head. I walked closer to the now soggy head, and began to moosh the juice in until it was a papery, goopy, pulp with red juice leeking out of it's eyes and ears. I sat down, content of my work and fell asleep.

 I soon found myself lying in my bed and opened my eyes. Piper was standing in front of me.

 "Sorry, Mark. I was so focused on Chase that I forgot about you. Well, I didn't really forget, I just didn't care," Piper tried to explained, and I realized she thought I was still asleep, so I quickly closed my eyes again.

Piper continued after a short pause. "I decided to come back and help you out after Chase left, I didn't know he was going to leave..."

Piper sighed. " I sometimes wish Chase would stop being so jealus of you! I'm glad you joined the agency....I don't know what I would have done if I had gone to a different house..."

Piper paused again, I had a feeling she was talking more to herself than to me. "You know, there's something different about you, Mark. Goodnight" If I would have been awake, I would have felt Piper kiss my cheek before closing the door behind her and heading to bed.

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