Chapter 21 Reed's Date at Eight

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So, this is kind of a bland chapter. Sorry if some parts are screwy. And I have no clue whats going on when Reed says 'Lauran Mellrow'. It just kind of freaked out and I can't fix it.  -Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis-


I woke up the next morning lying in a pool of caramelized sugar, wax and sweat.

"I don't feel so good," Reed groaned. I looked over at him to see that he was also glued to the floor. In addition to that, he was unfortunately glue to me. My hand was half stuck to his shirt and half on his bare back. His foot was attached at my leg.

"This position doesn't feel so good either," I winced as I pried myself off the ground and painstakingly removed my hand from where it had fallen on Reed's back. To my evident dismay, Reed was not so gentle. He ripped his foot off my shin; so fast that he took some of my leg hair with him.

I screamed. Loudly.

"Lauran Mellrow," Reed groaned.                                                                                

"Who's that?" I asked. I wasn't too overly disappointed when he didn't answer because I simply went back to sleep. I was, however, awakened five minutes later when Reed once again stated the next of the unknown girl. This time there was more panic in his voice. He just kept repeating the same name over and over again with increasing terror. Each time his voice became tighter, stiffer and then there was nothing left besides are harsh whisper of ensuing and certain DEATH.

"Dude, calm down! What's the issue?" I inquired.

"Da-Da-Da-Da-Date at e-e-e-e-eight," Reed gasped for air.

"That was three hours ago," I helped. There was a wrap at the door and the one face I didn't want to see peeked in... Chase. He came and sat next to me.

"Are you seeing this?" Chase asked me. I didn't respond. He didn't sound mad, but instead he sounded too nice.

"I guess you're just used to it aren't you, Marky boy?" And there it was, the old familiar Chase that I disliked with a passion.

"So is it cool with you?" I asked (meaning my and Piper's dinner).

"Oh, yeah. I'm cool with you coming on the mission. It was makes for a better show WHEN YOU DIE!" Chase responded.

"Ha, ha, Chase," I was not amused.

He rolled his eyes and then went on: "We're leaving in a couple days and we have tons of time. And by a couple days, I mean tomorrow and by tons of time, I mean early." Chase used his foot to roll Reed over and out of his wax and sugar prison.

"Um. Okay?" I tried to act cool about it, but the truth was that I was terrified!

"Be ready," Chase commanded, rolling Reed over one more time before leaving.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," Reed's eyeballs rolled in their sockets so only the whites showed.

"Yeah, that's disgusting." I walked over to the door and left the dorm, heading to the Mission Assemble Station (or MAS). The M.A.S. helped agents get ready for their missions by giving them the appropriate equipment and clearance for their mission.

When I got to the station, I found that Fynn was already there.

"Hey, man," I called and he waved me over.

"Hey, Mark. Ready for our mission?" Fynn handed me my, already made, mission packet. I was about to say "more or less" or "No, is there any way I can get out of this? Look, I HAVE money," but just then a group of girls, led by Chelsea, walked up. So, in the end, I said: "The question is, are YOU ready?" If it would have been anyone else standing there with me, I would have appeared to be a blubbering idiot, but Fynn got what I was doing and when the girls moved on (leaving Chelsea behind) he followed saying: "Hey ladies, how you doin'?" The girls giggled and smiled at us.

"Looking good as always Chel," Fynn winked at Chelsea and she rolled her eyes, but you could tell she was trying to stifle a smile.

"I know." Chelsea flipped her hair behind her back dramatically. Then she turned to me with a possessed grin. "Hey, agent boy."

"Hey," I said a little awkwardly. I wondered if word had spread about my dinner with Piper. 'WHY DID I EVER DO THAT?' my mind screamed.

"So, you know when you're going to leave for you big trip?" Chelsea asked.

"Yeah," I drew Chelsea out of the center on the room. "We leave tomorrow morning....early."

"Early," Chelsea groaned mockingly.

"What, you don't think I can do it?" I stated with faux irritation. I, for one, have NO IDEA why or HOW, but I was suddenly able to flirt.

"Mark," Chelsea out her hand on my shoulder dramatically and I expected her to say: "That's exactly what I think," but instead she said: "Mark, I think you could do anything." She stared up into my eyes and very possibly MY SOUL! I stood there uncomfortably for a minute, in a trance until: "WHAT THE HECK!?" sounded from Violet Darling who, summed up my question perfectly. She came up to us and Chelsea released her grip on my shoulders.

"I cannot BELIEVE you're talking to this loser!" Violet stated angrily. "Especially not after what HAPPENED!"

"What happened?" I asked helplessly as the two got in a cat fight. They didn't answer me, so I just walked away. Violent Violet was getting on my nerves.

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