Chapter 25 An Informal Good-Bye

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      Hey ya'll. FINALLY CHAPTER 25 IS OUT!!!!!! Sorry it took forever!!!!!! -Your Faithful Writers- Steve~Lewis- 


         I arose REALLY late the next morning and was still tired. I stared at my alarm clock that read 11:37 p.m. I gazed at it for another few seconds until the dreadful realization set in... I WAS LATE! I threw on my uniform, grabbed my back pack and tore down the hall. I looked terrible. My hair was spiking on the left side at a sixty degree angle and my clothes were a little crooked. I was really glad it wasn't inspection day. When I did boy scouts, there was an inspection day. I quit that years ago for obvious reasons. They weren't cool enough for me. 

        When I reached the large exit door which had brought me into this mess, I saw that a crowd of all the agents had gathered around leaving a clearing in front of the door where Ms. Simone stood. She was wearing a black, pencil skirt and a burgundy blouse with black high heels and tights. Ms. Simone looked as snobby as ever, Fynn looked overly happy as he waved to all of his screaming fangirls from the middle of the clearing and Chase looked overly smug.

        "Wait, Reed where's-?" I was about to ask Reed (who was standing in the back of the crowd), where Piper was because she wasn't standing up with Fynn and Chase, when she came out of nowhere and grabbed my arm. She yanked me forward. Funny, she wasn't giving me a kiss or inviting me to an awkward dinner now! Piper pulled me to the front of the group. I saw Chase's expression harden and he crossed his arms.

        "Take my hand," I heard a hiss of a voice beside me. I looked over to see Piper and then looked down at her open hand.

        "What?" I asked with complete confusion.

"Just take it!" Piper said through her beautiful white teeth which she clenched tightly. Once again I must confess that I was amazed by Piper. She looked so innocent and smiley, but sounded like she was split off from Satan.

        "Take my hand...Now," Piper commanded. It was then that I looked around and used what little brain I had left. I saw that everyone else of the team was holding their hands up in the air like at the end of a play. The cast always holds hands and then lifts them up in the air before bowing.

        "MARK!!!" Piper exclaimed.

        "Sorry," I took her hand, but at this point, it was over and the crowd was leaving.

        "Gather!!!" Ms. Simone commanded us. And so we gathered. Piper and Chase stood on the opposite side of the director from me and both kept giving me dirty looks.

        "This is a dangerous mission, so I want you to take it seriously!" Miss Simone grabbed a file out of thin air and a blue plastic box. "Here is your info and your emergency supplies. The helicopter is waiting for you."

        "Helicopter?" I said excitedly at the word. Ever since my first ride I had been waiting for another, but Miss Simone ignored me.

        "Goodbye Piper, goodbye Chase, never liked you Fynn and hope I never see you again, Mark," Ms. Simone walked away.

        "Are we ready?" Fynn asked with nervous smile.

        "Yeah," I agreed.

        "Sure," Piper agreed.

        "Whatever," Chase grunted. As we were about to walk out, a girl with long chestnut hair and wearing light green nurse's shrubs ran up, catching Fynn in a hug/ kiss.

        "You take care of yourself Sir Fynn Eliot Van Dellen!" the girl said with her arms around Fynn's neck.

        "You're a crazy boy!!!" the girl exclaimed.

        "I'm your crazy boy," Fynn flirted. With that the nurse kissed him and left with a wave. Fynn stared after her and his smile faded. Fynn might have been a ladies' man personality wise, but everyone could tell that he was really only one Lady's man and he really would miss her. I stared at the girl until she disappeared into the building, and I a longing in my chest for somebody who would miss me on this mission.

        "Mark!" Piper screamed at me from an elevator that was hidden in the side of the building. "Get your butt in here!" I sighed and took one last look at the building that had become a second home for me, and ran towards the elevator.

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