Chapter 4 I go shopping for embarrassment

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Piper, who got Mark started

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 4 is SOOOOOOO done!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sticking with this book!!! -Your faithful writers Steve~Lewis- 


I stared at my surroudings. This, was where I was now living? I didn't know what to say, or if to say anything at all.

"Hey, Mark. Welcome to the family." Reed said with a wicked grin, then turned around and yelled at everyone. 

"Allright! Everyone out!" At Reed's word, all the boys slowly filed out of the room.

I really wished I was back home. This place was loud and noisy and I got a top bunk. You may be asking how thats bad. It's not, unless you are me. I hate sleeping in the top bunk. When lights out was called, I was the closest to the bathroom, so I ran like my life depended on it. Sadly, Reed was taking a shower in there. He kicked me out and shoved me in a closet when I busted open the door. 

In the morning Piper picked me up to eat breakfast and for a 'suprise' whatever that was.

"They have good food here." I managed to say between bites.

Chase snorted loudly and Piper choked on her food that she was already having trouble swallowing.

"Thats your opinion." Chase stared at the unidentified glob on his plate.

"Anyways." I ignored Chase. "What's the surprise Piper? I'm ready."

Piper glanced at me and then went back to eating her waffle. "After breakfast." She said through a mouthful of food.

"I'm done."  



"Okay, then lets go." Piper got up and once again led me through a series of elevators and doors.

"In here." Piper pointed to a door with a sign over it that read: OUTFITTERS.

I stared at Piper in disbelief. "You made me wait for a suprise so that you could get me clothes?" I scoffed.

Piper rolled her eyes. "Just follow me dummy."

We walked in and it was exactly what I was expecting to see. People running around a clothes department store with different garments.

Except these garments where uniforms. Agent uniforms! Piper lead me over to a rack that was labeled: RANK 85. And dug out a uniform.

"This looks about your size. Go try it on." I took the uniform from her and walked to the dressing rooms.

Once I found myself a room, and somehow managed to get the uniform on, I looked in the mirror and almost laughed. I looked like a video game character.

I had on black pants, a black vest/jacket thingy, with a gray t-shirt that had a silver badge on it and some wicked awesome lace up, black, hiking boots.

"I'm loving this job." I murmured to myself. With my uniform on, I proceeded to the door and tried the handle. It was obviously locked. I then clicked the butten to unlock it and retried the handle. The door wouldn't open. I stood staring at the door, not knowing what to do.

"So, how does that fit?" inquired Piper on the other side.

"Oh, ahhh...Great," I stuttered. I couldn't just say that I was stuck in the changing room; not in front of Piper at least. So, I tried to come up with something to say that would distract or get rid of her.

"Um, one of the strappy things on my left shoe is broken. Piper, could you get me another shoe?"

"Sure," I heard Piper's voice on the other side of the door. I heard Piper and Chase talking and Piper's giggle before footsteps protruding from the door. After about thirty seconds, I got down on my hands and kneese and scooted under the door. When I came up again, I heard five girlish laughs. Oh no. Piper stood there with four other girls.

"Where's..." I decided not to say anything. I knew there was nothing on earth that could save me from the embarrassment to come. 

"It looks like your strap is all fixed," Piper laughed. One of the other girls with Piper caught my eye. She wasn't laughing like the rest, instead she was smily weakly at me, like she felt bad. She made eye contact with me, blushed and looked away. I didn't look away though. I continued to stare, like a gaping idiot. Was it possible? Never before had I gotten any attention from a hot member of the female gender.

"Got stuck in the changing rooms? Seriously?" A black haired chick was laughing at me.

"That's so funny!" Another one of Piper's friends giggled.

"What's your name?"

"How old are you?"

The questions flooded over me, along with realization.

They weren't making fun of me. They thought I was fair game.

After the changing room incident, we (reluctantly) left the girls to go to the training center.

"You think I could get a date?" I thought out loud.

"Please." Piper rolled her eyes. "Just because three air-headed girls asked you questions, doesn't mean anything. Don't get a big head."

"I'm gonna tell your friends you called them air-headed."

"Crap on you."  

And we procceed to the training room.

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