Chapter 1 My brother sucks at flirting

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Hi people!!!!! Okay, so the first chapters out! The second one is soon to come! Sorry for the wait.  Thanks, so much. -Your faithful writers, Steve~Lewis


My name is Mark. I'm sixteen years old and live with my dad and older brother. We also have a cat named Thomas. Blaze and Jake were our old cats, but they went to 'the farm'. At least that's what my dad told me and my older brother Philmore. He still thinks we believe that crap, but we let him think that.

 "Turn down the music!" My dad yells at me. Whats really weird is that he never told me his real name. So whenever people ask me my dad's name I simply answer: "dad". Another question I don't have the answer for is what I am. I don't mean an alien or cat because then I wouldn't even bring up the hopeless question, but where I come from. Am I Italian, German, Russian, Persian or some sort of reincarnated worm?

 My dad and Phil claim we are Irish, but NO WAY am I going to claim that I come from the land of crazy rainbow worshippers and leprechauns. Besides, girls like Italian boys. Or at least the girls I like, but I won't mention their names because I don't know you like that yet. Anyway, I turned my music off and switched on my Zombie Tribe game and turned on the rated M+ version with triple the blood and guts. Then Phil walked downstairs holding a bag of my favorite chips. "Give me." I motioned with one hand out and the other one still on my controller.

 "No." Phil pulled the bag out of my hand. "Come up stairs and socialize for once." 

I blinked. "What." 

"I said, come up stairs. Some ones here to see you." 


 "A girl."

 "I'll be up in a second."

 "I thought so." Phil walked upstairs with the chips, and I spiked up my hair and attempted to rub the blood shot out of my eyes. Then I headed up the thinly carpeted stairs with nails sticking out of them and a wooden hand rail, then onto the plasticy white floor which my bare feet stuck to.

I was awesome and ready...or so I thought. The girl on the other other side of the unfinished door was NOT what I, the 'Always prepared Mark' had in mind.

I was defeated, but I thought I may be able to recover this risen demon. I quickly checked the back of my pants to make sure no embarrassing popcorn bits had stuck on to me, and opened the door to reveal a blonde with freckles and gray/blue eyes smiling up at me.

"Hey, are you Mark?"

I stared blankly."Yeah."

She smiled wider. "Okay, cool. So I have this survey that-"

I cut her off. "A survey...?" She glanced at me quizzically and then focused her attention back toward her clip-board.

"Yes. That's why I needed to talk to you. You see, we need teenagers who need jobs to help us and while they help, they earn cash." I looked around behind me to see if Phil and dad where making fun of me.

"Uh, yeah sure. But I don't really have time for that..."

She smirked at me. "Mark, are you really in the condition to turn down girls?" My face felt hot but I nodded.

"I'll take the survey." The girl tucked her long hair behind her left ear and clicked her tongue as she searched the strangle object in question called a survey. I was about to either close the door in her face and return to my intense game, make some lame excuse and leave, say 'what's that?' while pointing to nothing across the road or ask her out.What? Ask her out? Where did that come from? But before I could say anything, Phil came up and ruined everything. Sadly, he's worse with girls then I am (if that's even possible).

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He winked at the girl. He stuck to the classics. The safe classics.

The girl sized him up and wrinkled her nose. "Did it hurt when you hit your head on your way up from hell?"

 Phil looked taken aback."Excuse me?"

 The girl rolled her eyes. "Trying to do a survey here, not speed dating."

 I didn't interfere. This was just getting good.

 "I was being nice." Phil snapped.

"Can you go be nice to someone else?" The girl tapped her pen on her clipboard. This was time for 'Always prepared Mark' to butt in.

"Weeeeeelllll Phil, its been nice talking to you but I need to take-"

The girl jumped in. "Piper"

"Piper's survey." I peered down at Piper (oh yeah, I'm taller, by a whole two inches). It amazed me that she could say such intimating things, but still looks as sweet as a candy cane.

 "Ahem," I was interrupted from my musings by Piper's clearing throat. "Hello. Anyone home?" inquired Piper waving her hand in front of my motionless face.

"Go on." I rolled my eyes.

 Piper raised her eyebrow impatiently. She started in her best kinder garden teacher voice.

 "Now, do you know your birthday?"

 I rolled my eyes."Yes. It's May 11th."

 "And, your guardian?"


 "Mmmhmmm...eye color?"

 "Brown. Deep as dirt."



"User name for Zombie Tribe Online 3?"

 "Uuuhh... killer9-wait what?"

 "Thanks. That all the information I'll need. Here's my card. Meet me at the address shown on the bottom at 12:00 p.m sharp." And with a swish of her hair she was gone.

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