Chapter 20 Sugar High

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BOOYAH.  THE BIG TWO OH. 20 CHAPTERS PEOPLE!!!!!! Glad Mondays over with. -Your Faithful Writers-Steve~Lewis-


I kind of walked in a trance back to Reed and my dorm room. I really wasn't sure if I was relieved she hadn't killed me or sorry. What I had said, clearly affected her mood. When I arrived at my and Reed's dorm I heard a kind of pounding noise that made my bones feel like they were vibrating. I just opened the door because we just left it unlocked since our cards didn't work. Reed was blasting Madonna through his stereo and had a bunch on those small wax bottles with some sort of sugary liquid on the inside littering his bunk.

"DUDE, you got these!?!" I picked up one of the small bottles and examined it. It was full of neon green liquid that didn't look safe to drink.

"Yeah, hey Mark," Reed greeted me. He pulled off his large head phones which he wore in addition to the pounding stereo.

"Man, I remember when Philmore and I used to eat these! He used to love these! We always ate the whole thing!" I exclaimed. It brought back childhood memories.

"DUDE it's made of wax!" Reed stated with horror.

"Well, I always ate the whole thing," I said and shrugged. There was a long awkward silence in which my eyes sought the floor.

"So, do you want any?" asked Reed. He had a ring of purple stain all over his mouth and lips.

"Yeah!!!" I agreed and grabbed a couple bottles. Reed turned his music down so that we didn't have to yell anymore.

"I got the mission," I said excitedly as I bit the top off of one of the bottles.

"Sweet!" Reed high fived me. "Congratulations dude. Where were you tonight, by the way?"

I hesitated, "Out with Piper."

Reed broke into a grin. He had a wild look in his eyes and I wondered if it was possible to be drunk on sugar. "Well, could you do it again?"

"What?" I asked with a smile. I wasn't sure if Reed was in his right mind.

"I had ALOT of prime Reed time! How'd you manage it, with Chase and all? I mean, he is her boyfriend. What did he think?" Reed asked. He made me feel proud, but I hadn't done anything.

"Well Piper and Chase were going to go out, but got in a little fight. Piper didn't want to lose the reservation so she asked me to go with her," I explained. Right then, I knew I had slipped up.

"Wait, SHE ASKED YOU?!?!?" Reed exploded. "Your first date and she asked you!"

"It wasn't really a date," I interrupted.

"Okay, whatever man." Reed brushed it off. "Here, cheers. To Mark my mentally disturbed friend," Reed raised his bottle and met mine in air.

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