Chapter 43

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Wow. This is many updates. Enjoy it. We're not sure how long this'll last. Your Faithful Writers-Steve~Lewis-


The last thing I remember was behind dragged behind that round counter. Apparently I twitched or something cuz I got a couple more squirts in the face. Then I think that scented water fall did its job because another thing I remember was, the falling water splitting and us passing through it. Somewhere in the back of my conscious I saw several men in black outfits....


"He made us look like total noobs, Piper!" Chase stated, voice stiff.

"No one is thinking that we're noobs, Chase. Everyone knows-," Piper consoled.

"They weren't, but-."

"I'm alive, you're saved," I croaked, propping myself up on my elbows. I glanced around the room. It was a ten by ten foot, metallic room. A built in, metal bench wrapped around the whole room.

"Mark Mario Brenner!" Piper exclaimed, marching toward me.

"What?" I asked. Wait...did she! Not my middle name- "Mario?" Fynn asked, raising an eye brow-he must have been pretty proud of that eye brow motion because he was ALWAYS doing it. He needed to come to a Brenner family reunion. That would put him in his a chair of shame for his lack of eye-brow aerobics.

"Are you alright?" Piper asked, upon seeing my distracted expression.

"Yeaahh," I sighed, thinking of the men in the black uniforms. "Oh," my mind clicked. "We're in custody! I KNEW there was something up with that evil janitor..."

"There wasn't and we're not," Piper stated seriously.

"What? But-they called it a K9! That must stand for something murderous! Like-."

"Killer 9?" Piper asked sarcastically.

"EXACTLY...wait," I paused. That name sounded familiar. "That's my Zombie Tribe 3 Online name... They stole-."

"They were checking you in to the agency," Piper explained.

I looked at Fynn. He nodded. "You were kinda freaking the heck out so that nice old man-."

"EVIL GEEZER," I interrupted.

"Anyway, we're still waiting for that interview, but it's only been fifteen minutes and this is a pretty big, busy place," Piper finished.

"I dunno, I feel like we're in prison..." I shuddered as a felt weird phantom fingers trace up and down my back. Whatever was in that spray bottle must have been bad.

"Don't be stupid Mar-" Piper started but an evil sounding metallic tinny voice came from hidden speakers in the room.

"Could mister Fynn come into the room? Thank you." The voice crackled and a door slid open across the room from me. Fynn waved goodbye to us nervously and slid out the door, almost too quickly.

"What the heck so they want Fynn for?!" I turned away to look at Chase as the door closed with a satisfying 'click'.

"Maybe they want to do a weapons check, one at a time?" Chase shrugged and leaned against the bench.

"I don't know, guys. This seems kind of fishy..." Piper walked back over to us from the closed door that had almost disappeared inti the wall.

Suddenly the evil metallic tinny voice came over the speakers again. "Initiating Delta SleepWave code. Nighty-night!"

"Ummm, guys?!" I stood up so fast that little black spots floated in my vision. Chase did the same, and Piper started looking around the room in a panicked fashion.


I turned to look up at the cracks in the ceiling and saw green tinted smoke slowly pour out of corners.

"Chase, I've always hated you!" I screamed as we all stood, glued to the floor, staring at the cloud of death smoke.

"Shut up Mark!" Piper suddenly turned around and headed for the door. "Just follow me!" Chase and I followed her to the door and watched her crouch down and shove a bobby pin into the crack.

"Piper, what are you doing?!??! We're About to DIE!" Chase looked back at the cloud of lime green gas that was slowly growing.

"As Fynn was leaving, I put my pocket knife in between the door and the wall so it will shut all the way but the lock mechanism won't click all the way..." Piper said as she moved the bobby pin up and down "And if I put this bobby" the door made a clicking noise and Piper stood up looking triumphant and pried the door open. It made a screeching sound if metal grating against metal. I cringed but didn't let it get to me.

"How did I forget that I could use my agency issued pocket knife to help me jam a high tech door lock?" I said sarcastically as we sqeezed into the dark room behind the door. It didn't look anything like the bright office room Fynn had walked into.

"Shut up Mark," Chase grumbled.

And at that moment I realized how scared we all were, how much of a close call that was and how we were so not ready for this kind of feild work.

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