Chapter 45

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"Um," I felt Piper instantly reach for her belt. "Fynn? Am I to believe you're a traitor to the Agency?" 

Fynn laughed (And now that I think about it, Fynn had always laughed in a kind of evil gigglely way...) and nodded. "How long does it take you to figure these things out? I mean seriously, how AIR-HEADED are you guys?!"

Chase whipped his gun from his belt and aimed it at Fynn, who didn't look alarmed at all.

"Chase," Piper whispered to him from the corner of her mouth. "Stand down. This is not part of protocol."

"So YOUR Agency didn't prepare you for this mission?" Fynn calmly reached for his own belt where a large sci-fi looking gun that hadn't been there before was clipped. "Well, mine did prepare me not only for this mission, but for much, much, more. Like taking over the world, for example." He unclipped the gun and pulled a small blue glowing bottle from his jacket pocket and loaded it into the gun.

"Fynn, I will shoot you in the actual head." Chase's voice was firm and he sounded really mad. I would've believed that he was going to shoot Fynn as well, but...I knew Chase and Fynn had some serious history, which made ME mad. How could Fynn suddenly swap sides and become a ruthless enemy?

"I'd like to see that Chase, honestly," Fynn lifted up his gun and cocked it at the middle of us three, which happened to be yours truly. "But if I waited around all day for you to get the guts to kill me, I would've missed out on so much..."

"I can't believe I didn't see it before," I said outloud for some reason. "I'm so stupid!"

"Great last words, Mark," Fynn smiled, and pulled the trigger.

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