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A/n: This whole book is a graduation gift for __Anonymous__173... I am proud of you. And hope you'll have a great life ahead.

And sorry it's a cheap gift, but you stay world's apart from me. So, it's just my way of telling you how much you mean to me... Just like all these books, I work so hard on.

Rockabye kiddo.



Kongpob was waiting by the road. It was lonely. Laden by forests on both sides. With beautiful, late winter sun.  It was a great place... To have your car brokedown.

Yes... He was being sarcastic.

He was dressed up in a black jeans, grey turtle neck, with black jacket and boots... All ready. Even his hairs were perfectly parted from the side. And it took him a whole hour to make it look this perfect. Mind you.

And now, he doubted... His hairs would remain the same. By the time he reaches... Or would be able to reach where he was supposed to. As of that matter.

The breeze was strong. And Kong never used gel on his hairs. So, he won't be surprised, if his hairs resembled a bird's messy nest by then.

He was on his way from college. To meet Nathan. For a date... Or that's what Nathan liked calling it to be. And though, Kong was still not sure about anything. He was ready to give a chance.

And why not? Nathan Garner, was the heir of Garner Enterprises. He was handsome, rich, smart. And was everything one could want in a relationship.

And Kong's father was thrilled with the idea of them both dating. And getting married.

Kongpob sounded more like convincing himself.

Because. Kong still would nurture a doubt in his heart. If he lets away all the best aspects about Nathan. He can also see... Nathan was boisterous, self righteous, pompous and extremely pushy. He always wanted things to be done his way.

But, that can be ruled out. Right? Kong just needed to see the good aspects. Like, this Black Audi R8.

Which was a birthday gift from Nathan. Only a month back. In front of the whole college.

Kongpob didn't know, who was more happy. Him getting the gift. Or Nathan, after gifting.

He kept going on and on about the car. About gifting it. And about Kong getting married to him... Very soon.

Like Kong said... Nathan was very pushy.

He was three years his senior. And was set to join his father's company right after graduation.

And also set on marrying Kong right after.

According to Nathan. Kong didn't need to work. They had enough. And Sutthiluk Industries had Kong's older brother.

And nathan was bend, that he was capable enough of taking care of Kongpob. Who was perfect to be a trophy husband. According to Nathan.

Yeah... Nathan didn't even deny it.

What was the use in becoming a Pediatrician?

When you can sit back and enjoy a luxurious life.

Kong haven't made any comments on the beautiful conversation. Slapped at his face, on his birthday.

He didn't dump the whole cake on his father's face, when Kerkklai laughed at Nathan's words. Without defending his own son. Scratch that... He held back from dumping the whole table on his father...

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